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Your pov:

I got back to the house to see a pissed off driver. I grimaced at the thought of having to talk to the angered man.

'He could probably send you to Mars with one hit' my brain said, making me even more nervous. I didn't want to deal with anyone, especially not 200 pounds of muscle.

I slowly walked towards the man, hoping the ground would swallow me whole. The lengthened journey finally ended and I was meet face to face with the man.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY MONEY!?" He barked in my face. I took a couple of steps back and wiped the spit off my face.

I meekly handed him the money and he counted it to make sure. After going through the wad of bills, he glared at me before he reached his palm out to me again. I looked at him weirdly. I was 100% sure I gave him the right amount.

"What would you like sir? I gave you the full payment of $57.69 already." I said with a shaky voice.

"TIP!" He growled at me. I looked at him and went back into my phone case to grab some more money. (Omg who else puts their money in their phone case?!) I was about to hand him the money when a voice interrupted us.

"Hey! Leave the girl alone. Go pick on someone your own size and gender!" A voice spoke up. The delivery man looked up and I turned around.

I saw none other than Travis. He was walking towards us with a tough look on his face. The delivery man tried to make a swift grab at my money and I dodged it.

Honestly, I wasn't going to let his sausage links that he calls fingers touch me. I was glad to have quick reflexes. The man growled again and you could smell the stink bomb he had for breakfast. He reached towards me again and I sprinted away.

'What crawled up his ass and died there?!" My brain thought as I ran. (Lol I love y/n's brain!)

I looked up to see Travis standing there with his arms out, waiting for me. I ignored all other thoughts and ran into his arms for comfort.

The man was near us and still tried to make a grab for my money. I wasn't able to move in Travis's arms. I thought I was a goner. I waited for the impact but it never came.

I turned around to see Travis in a defense position, telling him to stay away. I smiled at his act of kindness and put my money away. I walked past Travis and towards the man. Then I threw a swift punch, aiming for his stomach. I wasn't tall enough to reach his head, that's for sure.

The man groaned in pain as my fist came in contact with his stomach. I proceed to kick him in the shin so he would lose his balance. Lucky for me, his large figure caused him to wobble as he fell over. I phoned the police and told them my location. Travis helped me knock out the guy, but not kill him. He was just going to be unconscious for a little bit.

After about 30 minutes, we heard to police cars with their flashing lights. I told them the story and promised the guy was not dead. They took him away and offered to give my money back. I shook my head.

"I can't that that money back. It was money for the pay of the delivery of my items to my new house." I said. The police nodded and called some others. After they hung up, the police drove away.

"Thanks Travis." I said turning to him. I gave him a quick hug before dismissing myself to unload the truck. I guess I forgot how heavy these boxes were and how little arm strength I actually had.

I grabbed the first box and slid it onto the side walk. I dragged the box to my door and tried my best getting it up the front steps.

I sat on the steps after moving a few boxes. I was exhausted. You're probably wondering how I can punch or fight someone that probably weighed more than twice of mine but not be able to move a few measly boxes. Well I guess I'll tell you the story as I rest.