tidal waves

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         Ive always thought I could get whatever I wanted. I thought id have the world in my hands at such a young age. I thought life was my puppet and it did everything I wanted it to, but I was the stupid one. I had always been the puppet and I only survived with the few strings that life had provided me with. Before, I did have all I wanted but I lost everything. I lost him too.

         There he was with messy hair, his big smile and eyes brighter than the stars. He'd tell me that I  was the best thing that's ever happened to him. He was always so happy and carefree. He was the reason I had the world. He lived a short life and he didn't get to do so many things. He'd never experience falling in true love or his first heartbreak, he'd never graduate university or get a job, he didn't get to start a family.

          The last week i saw him was one of the most exhilarating and saddening moments of my life. We laughed and we cried as if the sun wasn't going to rise tomorrow. My feet started to hurt from all the running we had done today. Music was playing in our head and we were main characters in the story for that minute. We lived in a quiet and peaceful area near the shore, a lot of seafood in this town. The waters were always so calm, never angry or rough. We were sitting at our special spot, a cliff near the shore and the waves were below us. the sky was a beautiful mixed with purples and oranges while the sun set. That was the moment I knew that true and genuine happy things never last forever.

          "You promise you'll never forget me?" he whimpered. I looked at him and cupped his face in my hands and swore,

          "I'd never." I hadn't even realized there were hot streaming tears running down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie, stood up and walked away. I couldn't tell him what decisions to make and this was purely his own. I couldn't stop him. I wish I did.

          I woke up in my bed with a throbbing headache. These dreams never end, they never will. This cuff on my ankle makes it harder to live everyday. The constant reminder of what I'd done haunts me every living moment. I got out of bed and made myself breakfast. I hear a ring from my phone, 'left early, i left money for some takeout or pizza. take care. - mum'. I sighed to myself, knowing that my parents had never looked at me the same since that day. I walked back to my room with my bowl of cereal. The newspaper article was still on my desk.


          I quickly put down the paper, grabbed my bike and left the house. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as I started to head towards the cliff. I arrived at the spot and I started to think really hard. "I killed him, this is all my fault," I kept chanting to myself in my head. For some reason the world just didn't feel the same without him. I plugged in my earphones and started to listen to music, I started to slowly calm down.

          "You promise you'll never forget me?" he whimpered. For a second, I calmed my mind. for a second, I stopped crying. For a second, I was surrounded by water. For a second, the music stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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