The New Mission

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I was about to show Isabelle away when she waved me off.

"There's no need to walk me away Sebastian I should be fine from here. Thank you for showing me around." She bowed to the young master quickly then walked off. 'I hope she's alright. I have to find her after this.'

"Hasn't been a whole month and she already has grown a liking to you eh Sebastian?" The young master interrupted my thoughts. I quickly turned around and bowed to him once again.

"It would seem so my young lord." I gave him a happy, close-eyed smile."Of what use can I be my lord?"

"The queen has asked me to look into the drug dealings among the black market. I'm putting on a little get together in the pool parlor so make the necessary preparations."

"As you wish my lord." Midway through my bow I hear Finny and Bard screaming with an explosion soon following. Ciel sighed.

"And would you please shut those two up?"

"Right away." I stayed down until Ciel went into his office and quickly went to where the yelling came from. 'What could've happened now?' As I turn the corner I see Bard and Finny chasing three mice around. I quickly snatch them up and throw them away. "Just what are you two doing?" I ask in a huff.

"Well ya'see, we saw those mice an' we heard about how they were plaguing all of London ya'know? So we thought we'll just catch 'em an' no one has to worry about it." He gave his cheesy smile and rubbed the back of his neck. I just glared. Knowing there's nothing I can do now.

"Well the mice are gone now and I hope you won't cause any more ruckus. The master plans to invite people over and we can't have you lot making noise and disrupting their meeting."

"Yes sir!" They both solute and I sighed hoping I got through to them.

"As you were then." I waved them off. Quickly making my way to the kitchen and beginning to make tea. A simple English teatime should do. I began to make a chocolate strawberry shortcake and cucumber sandwiches. As I was finishing up, I began to think about the 'new' maid. Her perfect soft hair that seemed to frame her face perfectly. Her body, which seemed that even without the corset, would have nice curves.  Her soft, flawless skin. Those plump, succulent lips that tasted like sugar. How can a human vex me so? I've never touched a women this quickly unless it was an assignment or an order or even a quick meal. Is she something in-human? I highly doubt it. If she was, I would've sensed something, anything by now. I began to debate my thoughts more while waiting for the cake to bake when I hear the door open. As Meyrin comes in I begin to smile as I see our new maid follow behind her. They were chatting when I smiled and interrupted.

"Why good afternoon ladies. How are you faring this afternoon?" I smile my fox-like smile and stride over to them. Meyrin immediately begins to blush and I can can see my poor little house maid behind her looking like she's trying to control herself too. I need more of her. Meyrin began to speak. As much as she could anyway.

"H-hello sir. I-I-I was just showing the n-new help here around the manor yes I was. S-she seemed lost and I figured I would help her yes I did." She was playing with her fingers and I new I could send her out without much trouble now.

"Well thank you Meyrin, it seems you have taken one item off of my agenda. You may go back to your chores as I will begin to show our new help here her's." I gave her a happy smile so as to steer her off some more.

"A-as you wish, sir." And with that, the house maid teeter-tottered her way out of the kitchen. Leaving just us two alone.

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