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“Razors pain you, River are damp, Acid stain you, And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful, Nooses give, Gas smells awful, you might as well live,”

16th December 2010,

“After going through all the evidences , The Delhi high court today declared Khushi Saha responsible for the market place blast , She not only involved in that but also in many criminal activities , Even though Delhi Police is able to collect all the evidence against her but till now not able to track her down , it is orde.....”


The door bell rang breaking her trance as she tear off her eyes from the tv screen where the reporter is going on and on about today’s biggest news “The market place blast”. Surely Delhi is no longer safe!

Anjali opened the door to come face to face with her Husband .

“Ohh Dear I am so proud of you, I knew it ,you will surely do it like every time.”

Dhiren Smiled at his wife and her crazy way of welcoming home someone , but nevertheless today she is over the top and very happy , anyone can guess it from her ear to ear smile.

And why not be !

Today after whole five month of chasing the trivial case ,Her husband succeed to close the case with victory , all evidences are approved, and the hearing of court is also in their favour adding much to his personal career .
If only he would have able to track down the Girl, it must have added another feather to his career as Criminal Lawyer.

“But isn’t someone was saying that the Girl look very innocent to be a criminal?’’

Dhiren raised his eyes questioning her, while she just hide her face into her husband’s arms , the safest place ever.

“Yes, the Girl look too naive to be a criminal but I also know that you will always support the truth.”

Same time , some other part of Delhi ,
Khushi Saha stare at her own blood as it trickle down from her cut vain of wrist drop by drop into her lap, Her lips breaking into a painful smile but however her eyes remain unmoved and focused.

The smile broke into dry laugh resonating in the dark room before turning into a painful cry,

Pain !!

She again laughed between her cries ,
She is in pain, her wrist is throbbing in pain from the brutal way it was cut. Her head is paining like hell , but among all these the only thing that she is feeling is the aching of her heart.

It’s paining , paining a lot, so much that she stopped caring for others , even for herself too. so ,brutally cutting her wrist now sitting in this secluded dark room she awaits her death.

The only thing she wants now is relief, and Death is only thing that she can afford now, as living become a far dream now......


The word again brought tears into her eyes, she wants to live, live like a normal girl , She has so much dreams in her eyes, a perfect job, loving husband , blissful life so on and on. but irony of the life , her dreams are going to be enclosed in her eyes never to be seen.

The surrounding feels more darker now , as she fights to keep her eyes open . she is losing it, she finally losing upon life.
Congratulations Khushi,

She smiled genuinely this time, as the relief of freedom wash over her. Her whole life dance in front of her, as her mother’s smiling face look upon her.
She forwarded her hand, at least for once , for the last time cares that face,
Her lips part away to say her mother that she loves her a lot, and probably never be able to express her again, but the words failed her, she has no energy left in her body to even form a coherent word.

“Maa!! It’s a.. lo..ttt”
With the little consciousness left she can feel someone is calling for her, patting her cheeks to open her eyes.
As she fight to open her eyes , she smiled at the worried face looking down at her...

“Revenge is a very a strong word Saheb, A very powerful feeling you won’t know before you actually feel it. Starting might be theirs, but ending will always be mine”

And she laughed with it as Finally the freedom graced the deprived soul.
Hello friends !

Am new here .. before this I am a writer at Myeduniya , thought to share some of my stories and read new ones ,
Hope you all like it ...
Please please let me know how it is , and where I lack .

With love Puspa !

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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