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"Sportacus!" The little pink figure said. "Sportacus! You're alright!"

The tension from a moment ago slightly dissipated at the child's appearance. She looked very shaken, as would any child look after witnessing a blimp ripping away half a house.

Smiling, she ran into Sportacus' arms.

"Hi, Stephanie," He greeted her, holding the girl at arm's length.

Stephanie's mood suddenly changed. "I- I saw the airship crash into the house, and then you jumped inside the airship, a-and then it started going back up again, and I wanted to see if you were okay..." It sounded like she was sobbing a bit, but when she turned to look at you, her eyes were dry.

You and Robbie put up a hand in sign of greeting.

Confusion adding to Stephanie's expression of worry. "Who...? What is Robbie Rotten doing here? Who is that?"

"Oh. This is... this is Y/N. I found Y/N unconscious a while ago and then took them up into the airship. Robbie actually came to rescue us from there-- the door jammed in the crash and we couldn't get out."

Stephanie shot a strange look at both of you. "Uh... okay then. I guess."

It was a little difficult to believe.

Sportacus tried to change the subject. "How's Mayor Meanswell doing?"

"He's trying to rebuild the roof with the others, actually," she said, turning to him but still aiming a look or two in your general direction. "It isn't going really well. We need you there."

"What about we all go and help?" Sportacus said and stood up.

"Can we build a roof?" You asked. Stephanie was, understandably, a bit weary around you. You didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. You also doubted all nine citizens of Lazy Town being architects or construction workers or people suited for construction in general.

"Shouldn't we hire professionals or something? Do we have building permits? Ah- well, it's the mayor's house after all."

"Nonsense," Robbie Rotten chimed in. "Anyone can build a roof."

"Well, I can't build a roof."

Sportacus sighed. "Well, at least you could go and meet the rest of Lazy Town."

"Yeah! You'll love everyone."

With that, Stephanie turned to lead you back towards the mayor's house. You could see the outline of the destroyed roof in the distance. Sportacus promptly followed her, and then came Robbie, and as you weren't very eager of just standing there until the whole population of the town finished their construction work, you followed too.

Where you'd sleep that night, you didn't know. Probably in the park, as you did not deem appropriate asking Sportacus to let you back into the airship. Not with Robbie either; as much of a hero he made of himself by letting you and Sportacus out of the airship, he still had tried to kidnap you. You still didn't trust the man.

Sportacus and the others were getting ahead of you. With a sigh, you quickened your step. This was going to be a long stay.

Maybe Rotten May Be Rotten- lazy town x readerWhere stories live. Discover now