Fast Fowarding

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"Lisa baby," Kayla said, now 30 years old, "Would you be a dear 'n wake your brother up? You guys' bus will be here in two hours."

"He still needs to get ready." Vira added, now 50 years old.

"Sure momma." Lisa said, cheerfully as she ran upstairs. 

Lisa and Lionel were both 16 years old and is starting high school for their sophomore year. Lisa was a happy, cheerful young lady. When she was little, she wanted to be a performer like her brother, but her interest changed and now she wants to be in the armed forces. She loves to help with chores around the house and loves to be active. Lisa now has long straight, but frizzy, hair and a perfect body figure like if she was in the cheer squad. She'd always want to wear t-shirts and overalls and would only wear dresses if she's going to dances, parties, or fancy restaurants the family goes once and a while. Her hair would always be up in a bun or up in a ponytail. The only time her hair was down, it was when she was getting ready for bed.  Lionel became more of a shy boy and kept his distance. He was the same boy he was when he was little. He still remembers the amnesia accident, Lionel still remembered "the bad man". Lionel's lips healed, but according to Lisa, Vira, and Kayla, he was a good kisser. When his friends found out, they were okay with the situation and gladly supported Lionel throughout the years. They even gave him a nickname. Everyday, they call him Lips. Even Kayla and Vira got into the idea. Lionel's hair became more shaggy than ever and became more of an afro. He had a small, but faded goatee piece on his chin, but it wasn't fully a goatee yet. Lips would always wear ponchos and white long sleeved shirts and blue jeans and sandals. He would mostly wear the shirts than the ponchos. His voice became a little deeper when he hit puberty. When he was a talker, he always would have the kind and sweet tone in his voice that would want someone to give him a hug and be his friend. Lips loved to play with his trumpet still, he was beginning to become more of a pro now. Lisa, Zoot, and the rest of his friends wanted Lips to join the talent show, but Lips declined. 

Lips was sleeping in his room. He still slept with the same bear because of his nightmares of the attack still scared him. Lisa entered and smiled at her brother. She knew he liked his nickname and wanted to be called that now, but Lisa loved to call him Lionel. Not just to mess with him, but because she loved that name.

Lisa crawled on top of Lips and tried to pull the covers off of Lips. "C'mon Lionel get up!" Lisa said, shaking Lionel's shoulder, "It's our first day!"

Lips only moaned. "Five more minutes...." he moaned.

"You said that already." Lisa said, digging her hands under the covers, "Don't make me tickle you again." 

Lips threw himself up from bed. "Okay okay..." he said, wiping his eyes. Lips hated being tickled, especially from Lisa. She would tickle him every morning to get him out of bed and it annoyed Lips, but he loved her so it didn't matter.
Lips yawned and got out of bed. Lisa ran to his closet and grabbed the closest blue jeans and black baggy t-shirt she found. She then threw them in balls at Lionel. 

"Ow Lisa please!" Lips moaned, "I can get my own clothes..."

"Too late." Lisa said simply, kissing Lips's cheek and placing his red sandals on the clothes pile on his bed, "Now hurry 'n get dressed. Momma 'n Granny made blueberry pancakes for breakfast."

Lips nodded as she left. He shook his head and chuckled silently. He knew he loved her, but Lips knew Lisa was crazy. He slipped his pajamas off and then slipped on his baggy black shirt and blue jeans and then strapped on his red sandals. He then grabbed a nearby hairbrush and began to brush his afro the way he liked it. After that he went to the bathroom and ran some cold water in the sink. He then took a cloth and dipped it in the water to wash his face. After he did that, he looked in the mirror after he brushed his teeth, sighed, and then said, "Another day..." 

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