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3rd person PoV
Error looked at every universe that he could find, but the group of "heroes" was in none of them. "What about a destroyed universe, I don't go to those once destroyed so they could be hiding there." He went through all of the recently destroyed universes and found what he was looking for, "Underswap. Of course. Heheheh, they don't know what's coming."
The group arrived at the skeleton brothers home, they walked in and sat down, there was an awkward silence before G broke it, "OK, no more silence! What are we gonna do?!?" Everyone looks at him, "Maybe we should go to a different universe, Error is clever and he'll find us in a matter of seconds." Ink answered, "which one though?" "Not one of ours, he'll find us there too..." Blueberry jumped up, "I have an idea! We can go to dust tale!" G nodded in approval while confused and slightly scared faces passed over the others, Sans finally chose to speak the question they were all thinking, "How do you know dust tale? And why there of all places?" "This might confuse you but it's not as bad as Ink and Error..." "We DONT LOVE EACH OTHER ANYMORE!!!" "Anyway, um how do I put this... Me and Murder!Sans are... dating." Jaws dropped everywhere, Sans spoke again, " Still didn't answer one of my questions, why????" "Three reasons, one: we're dating, two: I haven't seen him in a while due to being kidnapped, and three: Error won't expect us to go there." G nodded again, "Fourth reason: we're mates." "...Fine." Geno agreed, "Why not." Sans agreed, "...Yeah...ok." Ink agreed, "..." Fell stayed silent, everyone apart from Blueberry knew that Fell had a crush on the smallest Sans and his dreams were just shattered in front of him by one of his oldest friends. "Um...Fell, do you not want to go? we can stay if you want?" He shook his head, "We can go but can I speak to you ALONE (shoots glare at G)?" Blue nods and leads him off somewhere. "So what did you wa-mmmmmmpppphhhh!" Fell kissed him. Blue struggled out of his reach,"Why? I just said that I have a boyfriend, did you not listen? No that doesn't matter, look Fell, I'm sorry but I'm taken, though we can still be friends, we can't be more than that, I'm sorry..." Blue got up to leave but Fell grabbed his arm, "I don't care if you're taken or not, I will always love you~" Blue pulled away, with a look of shock and horror on his face, "You don't own me! I will never be yours and I will never love you more than a friend!" He ran away from Fell to the others, "Are we going then?" G asked, Blueberry nodded, staying silent. They looked over to Ink, he opened a portal, "WAIT! Where's Fell?"Geno cried out "Sorry guys, didn't realise that we were leaving so soon." He chose to try and stay away from Blueberry as much as possible, remembering his reaction to their kiss. They all jumped through the portal, unaware of another portal opening behind them...
Once everyone had jumped through, Ink turned around, hearing a noise, to his surprise he saw another portal and the only other monster who could open portals was Error, realising that he was coming for them, he jumped through and closed the portal just as Error's opened up enough for him to step through. "Ink? What's wrong, you look chilled to the bone." Geno joked, Ink expression didn't change, "Ink?" "Error. He's looking for us." Horror crossed their faces, Error, the destroyer of universes, was hunting them obviously to kill them. "We need to hurry, Blue lead the way!" G commanded. Blueberry nodded and started heading in a direction, they soon arrived at a house that looked similar to their own houses. Blueberry knocked on the door, Fell suddenly felt nervous, what if Blue told Murder what he did, he would literally KILL him. Sans noticed that he was shaking and pulled him away, making up an excuse and that they would catch up, "OK, what the hell is wrong? You've been acting different the entire time we've been out of the anti-void!" "I'll explain if you give me a minute!" Sans waits, ready for him to go on, "When I told Blue that I wanted to talk to him, I kinda kissed him..." "But he told us that he has a boyfriend, why, why do that?" "I didn't want to lose him, even if he doesn't love me, I wanted at least one kiss from him before I move on," Sans nodded, "So why are you a nervous wreck right now?" "Because Blue could tell Murder what I did and then Murder would literally murder me!!!!!" "I don't think Blue would be cruel enough to let him kill you. So don't worry." "Thanks Sans, I really needed to talk to someone." They both nod and walk back to the house.
Blue knocked on the door, Sans and Fell walked of somewhere, but he didn't really notice since the door was opening, "Whose there?" Murder opened the door and saw G, Geno, Ink and Blueberry?!? "Guys what are you doing here?!?" "Dude, can we come in first, it's kinda cold and yeah?" Murder picks up Blueberry bridle style and walks in the house. "Guess that's a yes!" G, Geno and Ink walk in, "why are you here guys? Is something wrong?" "Yeah, uh, could we stay for a bit? Error is hunting us? IDK that's what Ink said," "Yeah, you can stay," He looked down at Blueberry, "Where were you Sweetie~ I was worried sick about you?" "I was in the Anti-void with Error, I only escaped today because of these guys." "That bitch, I'll kill him, if he thinks he can harm you aga-" (kiss) "Shhhh, I'm fine now, it's ok." " Awwwww!" Ink awed, while G and Geno were squealing in the background, fangirling over them (G is a hardcore shipper and Geno is only like it because of Reaper/Death(His boyfriend) is also a hardcore shipper) Blueberry snuggles into Murder making G and Geno squeal more, "Guys shhhh," The door opened revealing Sans and Fell, "Hey guys, you here with this lot?(signals to G, Geno and Ink)" "Yeah, Fell just needed to sit down for a sec." Fell noticed Blue snuggling Murder, his soul sank a little.
He pushed the feeling down and started chatting with the others, unaware that they were being watched through a glitched portal...
Hey again guys, so just to make you aware, there will be a few ships, there will be Paperjam later on, there was a small sentence introducing it, there will be references to Afterdeath, I'm not sure if I will make it a part of the story or not, one that hasn't been introduced yet will be Sans x Fell? Maybe, not sure, and the most obvious is Dustberry. I found out about this ship yesterday and I loved it, so I thought put it into a fanfic, plus I can't find any, ANY fanfic on this ship on Wattpad, soooo yeah, just thought I should update you also if you want to theorise you can in the comments. Boi!!!! 

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