The Hobbit: An Unexpected Companion

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Chapter 1~ A Beast Among Us

It was cold and rainy through the forest leading away from the Shire, home to all Hobbits, or Halflings as they are sometimes called. Through this very forest, fifteen travelers, all on ponies, trudged through the horrendous weather. Thirteen Dwarves, one wizard, and a single Hobbit traveled onward through the mist. The little Hobbit, whom goes by the name of Bilbo Baggins, was soaked to the bone, as was the rest of the company. Bilbo was sneezing terribly and was so wet that water was dripping from the tips of his ears. I couldn't be any more miserable right now, he thought. What I wouldn't give for my warm Hobbit Hole and fire. A nice hot meal would be good too. The travelers continued to tread onward and soon, the weather began to look up on them, as the rain began to stop.

Thorin, the leader of their company, stopped his pony in a clearing in the forest. "We will stop and rest here for the night." The company halted and demounted their ponies as Thorin began giving out orders. "Bofur, Bombur, get a fire and dinner ready." Thorin ordered. "FIli, Kili, you two split up and scout the area." His voice intensified as he spoke. "I do not trust that we will get too far without being spotted." The nephews of Thorin hurried off into the woods. "Collect any firewood if you can!" Thorin called after them.

Kili was very young for a Dwarf. He had only a stubble of a beard, but was strangely tall for his kind. He was the younger sibling of he and Fili. He was called reckless for a reason, as he was often known for getting into things and causing much mischief as a young one, and even now, older, and somewhat wiser. He turned to his brother. "You go left and I go right. We can meet back at the camp." The two nodded and spit up. Kili treaded carefully, looking to and fro at the slightest movement in the trees and the bushes. "This place feels condensed." he whispered to himself as he swatted an overhanging branch out of his face. "And it feels as if I am being followed..." And indeed he was.

Clairaus nosed her way through the ferns, sniffing the thick air. The rain has washed away the scent of the rabbit I was following. I can't seem to smell anything anymore. She snorted in frustration. Just my luck if I run into a bear or a fox. She padded on, her wet fur still dripping from the downpour. I wonder where I am? She thought. I don't recognize these trees, or plants or anything. She sighed. I've been traveling too long. Blowing water out of her nose, she continued onward. The wet, peaty earth squished between her paws as she trudged on, body weary and sore from exhaustion. Her normally bright brown eye were dull and glazed from hunger. I don't know how long I can go on like this... Suddenly, a scent caught her nose. It was weak and misted from the watery air, but it was definitely there. She sniffed eagerly around, picking up the pace to a slow trot as she followed the unknown scent. Maybe it's that rabbit I was following earlier. Meat at last! Clairaus broke into a run as she continued following the odd scent. Somehow it seemed strangely familiar... Whump! Clairaus felt something warm and soft underneath her, but the smell did not belong to a rabbit. She heard a groan underneath her, and finally realized what she had run into. She had rammed straight into a dwarf!

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