Chapter 1: You Belong to Me A Dir En Grey Fanfiction

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"How long are you going to be gone for Aleksandra?" Inquired a beautiful young girl with light brown hair and blue eyes her name was Izabella but more often then not she was referred to by her nickname Iza.

The question was directed to the girls older sister Aleksandra by friends and family though she was often called Olenka or Ola. She was very tall and extremely beautiful. She had long waist length brown hair and glistening large blue eyes.

Her complexion was a milky pale color her cheeks had a very lovely rosy color to them. She was very slender and graceful in her movements. When Iza asked Aleksandra the question of how long she would be absent she stopped packing for a moment and looked at her sister.

Iza was standing there clutching her favorite white teddy bear. "It won't be long maybe a few months". "A few months?" Iza said with a less then pleased tone.

"I don't want you to leave. I rather have you stay here with all of us". Aleksandra smiled as she kneeled and motioned for her sister to come closer.

"I promise you that I won't be away for ever. I can't be I have to come back and help mama and Tata with the farm and I also plan to find a job here in Poland no where else. Iza me going to Japan is a way for me to have an adventure".

"Tata says he much rather have you have a adventure here in Poland or at least a country that is closer to our known".
"I know I just want to at least once in my life do something that is out of my comfort zone. And there is another reason why I am going to Japan".

"What is the other reason?" Iza asked intrigued. Aleksandra moved to close her bedroom door as she replied. "Do you promise not to tell Akira?". Iza nodded. "But why can't I tell Akira why should he not know?". "Well it sort of kind of has to do with a surprise that I am planing for him".

"What sort of surprise?". Izabella inquired as both girls sat down on Aleksandra's bed. Akira was one of the adopted siblings of Aleksandra and Izabella. They also had a older adopted brother Dariusz nicknamed Darek and a younger sister Anna or Anya. Akira was adopted into the family through and international adoption. He came as a baby and the Młynarczyk family did everything possible to help him stay in contact with his homeland, language and also culture.

Akira was a big fan of visual kei bands and the whole Japanese subculture. One band that he especially loved was Dir en grey. Truthfully the band moved away from being a visual kei band however Akira was fully enchanted by the band and always talked about them.

"You remember Dir en grey that Japanese band that Akira is always talking about?" Izabela nodded with some discomfort. "You mean that band where everyone always is frowning and that vocalist is sort of well scary?" Aleksandra nodded. "Well how does this connect to each other ?". "Well I am planing to buy tickets to one of their next lives and from what I understand they always have meet and greets afterward. I will be able to get their autographs won't that be a great surprise for Akira"? Aleksandra said excitedly.

Izabella thought to herself for a moment then added. "I don't know well it's a very nice and sweet idea and I am sure that Akira will love the autographs. But somehow u have a bad feeling about all this". "What sort of bad feelings?" Aleksandra asked confused.

"Maybe I am being silly however I just have a feeling that things might turn out very differently then what how you wanted them to turn out. Just remember to be very careful in Japan. Even if it is a safe country I will be worried about you". Aleksandra embraced her younger sister and added. "I promise that I will come back in one piece and believe me noting  bad will happen...."

Meanwhile in Japan

Die was beginning to have enough of the practice session. He knew that it was vital to practice but he couldn't help but want to leave as quickly as possible. For so long he had been feeling really down and his handsome features showed it.
Kaoru the lead guitarist came over to Die when they finished practicing one of the songs.

"You alright Die. I sort of worried you haven't been getting much sleep I can see. The bags under your eyes prove that". Die was silent as he strummed a few cords of his guitar. "You still can't stop thinking about her?" Die's dark eyes shot up and a icy stare was projecting from his eyes.

"I haven't thought about her for a long time. And if I am tired then it is mostly likely do to the fact that we have been all overworking." "Personally I think you have been overworking. Why don't you go home and rest okay and make sure to get a good nights sleep to".

Die smiled gratefully and quickly gathered his things to leave. He waved goodbye to the other members and swiftly disappeared through the doorway. "So again he is leaving early" The bassist of the Dir en grey Toshiya remarked crossing his arms. "You see what sort of state he is in. He won't be able to do anything if he is half asleep while playing his guitar".

"Yes he made a good many mistakes while we practiced. I started to wonder if I was not playing the right song". Agreed Shinya who gently spoke up. He didn't look up but started to fix one part of his drum set. "We all have bad days but he should get it together at least that is what I think he should do".

Toshiya replied. "I think that you are being to hard on him" Kaoru replied. "Well maybe you think that way but I don't. And since Die has already left then I think that I will go to. It's late anyway". "Yes we have already been practicing for a while so I believe that's enough for today".

Before Kaoru could finish Toshiya was already out the door. "Well if you ask me both Die and Toshiya have been acting sort of weird". Lead singer Kyo commented as he lighted a cigarette. "They both seem to have a lot on their minds these days". Added Shinya. "No point in wondering and even if there was a point I am to tired to rack my brain for reasons. Well good night guys". Kyo said finally as he to soon disappeared through the door.

Meanwhile Toshiya was walking slowly through the streets of Tokyo he sighed sadly wondering to himself . "Man do I feel lonely I could use a girlfriend. But it has been so long since I have dated someone and will I ever be able to find a girl that likes me for me?"

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