Chapter Nine

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Lil's P.O.V

“Lil, it was a one off thing that you had to just walk in on! Don’t make a big deal outta it, gosh!” She whined following me into the kitchen.

“I thought you were pissed off at him because he lied! Don’t get me wrong, Luke’s a great guy Chey but you said you weren’t gonna get too close because of Michael!” I informed raising my eyebrows at her and folding my arms, to let her know this was my serious mood.

"But I never said that!" She said in an exasperated voice.

“Yes you did! Sort of anyway… You insinuated it!” I argued frowning at her.

"Ugh I don't wanna fight! It shouldn't matter if I kissed him." Cheyenne said.

“Whatever, do what you want, I don’t even care! I’m only trying to look out for you and spare others feelings!”

"Thanks but I'm fine."

“Yeah well I don’t think a certain someone will be fine when he hears about your kissing sesh with Lukey now will he.” I sighed mumbling a little.

"Well, I'm sure Calum would just love to hear about the girl he likes making out with his best friend now won't he?" Cheyenne smirked and crossed her arms. I gasped loudly covering my mouth with my hand.

“You wouldn’t!”

"Oh. Yes I would Lily and you know it!"

“That’s totally unfair! I told you that in secrecy!”

"Why is it any different?" Chey sighed.

“Because I haven’t gotten extremely close to Calum! So even if he was to know, it wouldn’t matter because it wouldn’t upset him! We haven’t even hung out yet! Where as you’ve pretty much drawn both of your guys in already!”

"Still. Can't you just let it go?"

“You know sometimes you can be so stubborn and self centered!” I growled and stormed off slamming my bedroom door. She just doesn’t understand that you can’t get close with one person get him all syked up and then go snogging the face off his best friend! It’s just unfair to him and it’s going to all fall back on her. And who’s the one that’s going to be picking up the pieces? Me!

I whipped off my jacket, hanging it up on the peg of my door and wandering into the bathroom. Right now, I needed a hot bubble bath! I turned on the tap, picked up some bubble bath salts that Chey bought me last year for Christmas and sprinkled them in.

Speaking of Ashton it made me think, I was surprised I hadn’t heard from him since our ‘date’ did I put him off or something?  No, I was just being paranoid as usual, should I text him? My head was completely screwed up right now. 

I grabbed my phone and started playing One Direction's new album that had only been released a few days ago. It’s amazing! I put on ‘Right now’ and stripped off, stepping into the steamy bath tub. I sunk down so my shoulders were under the water, it was so relaxing, and smelt like strawberries!

*Half an hour later*

The clock read 7.38pm I’d been scrolling through twitter for a while and began searching ‘5SecondsOfSummer’ just to check up on the boys. They had around 1.8M followers! It was unbelievable!

Their timeline was full of retweets from fans, I hadn’t realised they were so… popular?! I closed down the lid of my laptop and jumped up from my bed walking through the door, I needed a drink. I walked into the living room to cross over, Luke and Chey were standing at the front door and looked over at me as I walked in.

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