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(Okay the the first chapter won't make much sense but as the story progresses it will become clear! My goal for this year it to actually finish a fanfic without giving up!)

"You're a loser Styles. I mean you go around dating girls like its normal. Now beat it." Zayn says. He raises his fist and slams it in the side of my face one more time. I fall to the floor with a mighty thud and bang my head quite hard on the tile flooring of the locker room. He laughs, his boyfriend laughing along with him. They walk out, slamming the door behind them.

Why do I have to be straight? I can't help being attracted to the opposite sex. I wish I was like everyone else, have a normal relationship with a person of the same sex, go public with my relationship, heck even get married one day. But that's impossible, laws for hetero marriages will never be passed. At least not in my lifetime. I've tried to date boys, I even went as far a sex with one but it never works out. I'm straight. A freak.

I get up off the floor and walk up to the mirror on the wall above the faucet. I love at my heartbreaking reflection. I have a lovey bruise under my left eye, just where my cheek reaches my temple. I am cut on the left side of my jaw and my eyebrow is sticky with drying blood. It is clearly evident I was beaten will I was still down. It clear to see that my right side was pressed against the cold tiles.

I run home and lock myself in my bedroom. I sit here crying to myself for at least an hour when I hear faint knocking on my door telling me that someone was on the other side.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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