i am terrible at chapter names!!

12 1 0

"Oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods
Oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods!!!" exclaimed Piper shaking Jason's shoulders like a crazy person. 
"What the hades Piper?!" Said Jason, slightly concerned for his girlfriends mental health, she sqealed giddily "did you see Percy and Anabeth just now they did the cutest thing..."
At this point  Jason zoned out .Sometimes Piper could be such a daughter of Aphrodite.

   Wibbley wobbely timey wimey skip

That night when Jason got back to his cabin..

"Finally I can finnish that solanegelo fanfic!" he squealed like the true shipper fanboy he was.    

Authors note : I am thinking about writing a solangelo Q&A so please leave some questions in the comment section and when I have enough of them I will write the oneshot

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