Long Day

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Dave just came back from rescuing people in danger from his town. He took off his vibrant green and yellow mask. His hair was slicked back with messy brown curls. He jumped onto his bed and had some thoughts based on his dad. 'If only I could turn back time and save you from those horrible guys who killed you.' 'If only I was there to protect you.' If only I was nicer to you and more appreciating.' 'I hope you know I love you dearly and didn't mean any of the nasty things I said before it all happened' Tears began streaming down his face after all the thoughts and reflections he had on his dad. *Beep Beep* went Dave's phone. He ignored it. *Beep Beep* it went again, thinking it wasn't important, he ignored it. *Beep Beep* It went repetitively. Dave got annoyed and looked at his phone. A recognisable name popped up on his notifications. Mindy (Hit-Girl) 'Meet me at the comic shop, tomorrow. 1pm. It is important. Do not come in your kick-ass outfit. Got it?'

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