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A girl is sitting in a tree. Around her is an untamed jungle. Right now it is moist and soggy, it just rained a few minutes ago. It seems eerily quiet, peaceful even.

It is never supposed to be peaceful.

Her name is Annie. She lives alone. Her only residence is a treehouse. She lives in a medium sized tree with thick strong branches. She is only 14 years old but she had to build herself a small shelter made of wood. She may seem soft and young, but she is ferocious. Wild. Used to the world around her and ready to fight back.

Currently she sits in one of her trees branches, spying on her surroundings. Something interrupts her... growwwwlll. Could it be a beast? Annie checks all around her but sees and senses nothing.

"Oh crap," she says. "I'm just hungry!" Annie heads off to go find something to eat. Kids in your own dimension eat feasts of roasted chicken, spiced and salted. Grainy rice with liquidy brown beans... Annie, well. What she eats is a bit different.

When she goes out to hunt for meat (meals only) she takes with her a spear, a pointy rock tied to bamboo with poison on the tip of the rock. (She got it from a Poison Dart Frog). When looking for a snack all she needs is some fruit. It's too early in the morning to go hunting. There is no way to tell the exact time, only seeing the positions of the sun can give you a hint. So Annie goes out to get herself some fruit.

Getting fruit isn't easy either. Because the beasts are hungry too. Annie jumps off the tree branch, falling 12 feet before skillfully landing on one knee. She runs through the trees, shoves away branches that scratch on her face, tears through roots tripping her feet. Then she arrives at her destination.

Above her looms gigantic trees, as tall as skyscrapers. Each has slippery moss and thin branches, but at the top were fresh, juicy mangoes. Perfect. Only one problem.

The beasts were sitting right on the branches, spying and waiting for Annie.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A girl's gotta eat, even when beasts want to eat too. What beasts you may ask? You would laugh...


The chimps are the only ones guarding the treetops, but they are not the only beasts in this jungle. They sit atop the trees and stare at Annie. And she knows they are, because their senses are incredible. Thats just one of the problems.

The chimps are smart, intelligent even. Thats the second problem. They have a whole system. They use a code of sounds. (Annie picked up on one of them, two hoots lasting 3 seconds meant a stranger on the grounds). However, even when Annie arrived and the chimps saw her, they didn't make two hoots, they didn't hoot at all. Because Annie was no stranger. Instead they got each others attention then traced their finger across their neck.

This meant "Annie's back."
And usually, tracing a finger down your neck is a sign of death.

Annie marches forwards anyways. One specific chimp catches her attention and she sees that he as well is staring back at her. This chimp was a bit... trippy. He was quite fond of Annie, but still played along with the others. It was really unclear whose side he was on. Annie and the other chimp were having a stare down.
"You know what? I'm calling you Bubbles. You like that?"

Bubbles hoots.

"Whether you like it or not, thats your new name!"

Bubbles opened his mouth to argue but was cut short by a high-pitched whistle. Now every chimp in the trees, maybe 20 or 25, had its eyes on Annie. And yeah, she was very uncomfortable. A whistle, what was that the sign for again?

Ah yes.

The sign for attack.

Dimension 49: AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now