Falling In Love

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Tie was wrapped in my neck, belt was in my hand and i was shouting and running but bus went away from me. I didn't give up because that bus was the only chance to get to the college. i didn't had money to get taxi nor i had the courage to take lift to reach to the college.God was watching and not only watching he was in good mood too. Driver saw me running from the side mirror and he stopped.

Finally i settled down took my cigarette and light it as there were only 2-3 people in the bus. As a engineer when you have nothing to do you smoke and most of the engineers have nothing to do most of the time.

Last night hangover was still making me dizzy.I was with my cousin ramesh who lived in Bombay trying to be an actor but hardly manage to become anything. After watching sholay he decided to become  Amitabh Bacchan because ramesh was 6 feet tall. When you are rich you have the privilege to pursue your weird dreams.

I went to the college going towards my class and i saw anuradha.

"Hi ashish" she said, "Hi anuradha why you are early today do you also have submissions". i asked

she just moved her head, i didn't know it was yes or no. but i thought all the beautiful girls are short of words.

i asked again and this time she looked at me and smiled, why she is smiling perhaps she knew her smile is admirable.

i changed the topic "why were you crying last day" i asked she said nothing

i asked again she said "thank you". i could sense that she cried whole night.

i asked "why thank you"

" you always try to make me smile" she said.
"you look cute when you smile". i said, how could i miss the chance to flirt.

she smiled again.

i never knew why i made efforts to make her smile why it was important to me.

we were the first who reached to the class because i had to complete my submissions.
IIT Bombay was situated around the powai lake. Our new campus was in the front of lake.Cold Breeze wonderful view. everything was ravishing.

in engineering there were plenty of times when you felt important and as many when you felt worthless but it was my time to feel graceful.

she was seating close to me. i was trying to write but my mind was not in the chemistry and my eyes was calculating the distance.

she grabbed my hand i was not able to write, i looked into her eyes she came close and kissed me. i was shocked, i was paralyzed, i was kissing her and looking into her eyes but her eyes was closed and mine was wide open i was shivering. when that kiss ended i was on the table.

A tear came out from eyes i didn't let her to know. she said "someone will come"

This time i was the one who said nothing. i didn't want to end that moment.I hugged her for some more time i wanted to be lost in her arms. For years i tried to forget that moment but i am still not able to.

she told me that she knew i am going to be early today and she wanted to be with me so she came early too and that was the reason she was not answering my questions.
I asked "how you just kissed me even when i didn't even propose you."

she said "i thought about one million times and i decided i have to take the step else you are not going to propose me in next 50 year and 22 months has already passed"

i was rolling on floor laughing.

i said "do you know we all fantasize about our first kiss but the way you made me feel it was better than my fantasy."

she was blushing.

"you say all such things to make me happy." she said

"i have been doing for more then a year and you realized today" i said

"you don't know from how many days i am waiting for these moment" she said

i didn't even realize that i was falling in love and one day i will cross all the boundaries to be with her.

We both belonged to wealthy families but her family was orthodox.

i asked "what about the one whom you are going to get married".

Keep in touch if you would like to know what happens next.
and please do comment and tell me my mistakes so i can learn and if you
like it please comment and vote so i can get more confidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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