Chapter 6- Not Again

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The next morning Cake woke me up and said she had a surprise for me. I get off the couch and follow her upstairs. It looks clean I might say and that's when I notice it.

"Cake why is there two beds in here now?" Well I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is but hey playing dumb is what I'm good at.

"It's your bed, honey, you've upgraded from the couch to a bed up here with us and also I made you a new little something."

"Thank you Cake and Fionna." I say hugging Cake, Fionna just so happens to be there.

I walk over to the bed and hold up a pale blue dress with a black belt around it. Fionna and Cake had left the room by now giving me a chance to get changed.

The dress went about 5 centimeters above my knees. I also noticed another pair of knee high black socks. I pulled my old ones off a put in the new ones fixing my shoes. I grabbed my black jumper and put it on before going down stairs.

"Oh honey it looks perfect." Cake says running over and fixing up the thin straps.

"It's pretty thank you Cake, but why?" I ask really wanting to know why.

"Because I had spare time and you need more outfits." Cake says with a big smile.

"Cake you don't need to make me anything you do know you could just give me fabric and I could make something." Cake looked at me with a surprised look

"Oh no honey I like the feel of joy when I give you clothes." Cake said with a small smile.

"That reminds me." Fionna spoke up joining the conversation, "I found this thought you might want it." Fionna held out a headband with black and blue cat ears on it.

I put it on and thank them.

A large clang sound started not soon after make us all jump.

"Knife storm," says Cake looking out the window to see knives pouring down, " looks like we're staying in today kids."

I hear a door open and close. I crept downstairs and looked to find Marshall pulling a knife out of his shoulder.

"That must hurt." I comment coming out from hiding.

"Yeah. How'd you know I was here I closed the door really quietly?" Marshall asks raising an eyebrow.

"I heard the door open and close." I state giving him a look like it was so obvious.

Marshall looked worried so he changed the subject. "I see you've got a new dress."

"Yeah Cake made it for me."I ask then a question popped into my head.

"What is it?" Marshall looked at me with worry.

"How long has it been since the whole Ice Queen thing?" I ask

"Umm about two weeks, you ok?"

"I've been asleep for two weeks!" I ran upstairs to Cake. "You didn't tell me I was asleep for two weeks" Cake was alarmed by my sudden outburst.

"You would've slept longer I know this because I talked to Flame Prince and he said that you may have been asleep for a whole month so I had to wake you." She gave me an apologetic look then went back to setting up a bunch of cards.

"It's fine you were just worried that's all, so what you playing?" I ask.

"A very complex game of Card Wars." Cake said. She sounds like she knows everything about Card Wars.

"Oh come on Cake it's not that hard it's just simple logic that's all." Fionna stated looks like they've played this many time before.

"Well I'll leave you to it then."  I went over and sat on my old bed the couch.

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