Part 3

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About 2 weeks after the wedding both my parents were at work. It was Saturday, I was bored, drawing. And I get a call on my cell phone. Annabeth. So I answered.

" Hey, Wise Girl," I answered the phone," Whats up?"

She was not in the best of moods. Not like the angry mood. But the sad mood.

I hated the mood the most.

" What wrong?" I asked Annabeth.

" My dad and Martha," Annabeth told me," They were on their cruise, and. . . a storm hit them, and. . they didn't make it out."

Oh, gods.

" I'm on my way," I told Annabeth, hung up, left a note I would be back around 8, and left for Annabeth's house. I had only been there a few times. But it was awesome.

The house, not the reason I was going there. . .

I get there, and they're trying to take away her brothers from her because they're under 18.

Well you know, Annabeth is 18.

I had to yell and scream for like 20 minutes at those people before I convinced them to keep Bobby and Matthew here with Annabeth. Annabeth needed help taking care of them. That's where I would come in.

" Thank you," Bobby told me. " You're the only person I know who has the guts to do that, I think."

" No," I told Bobby," There's Annabeth and Hazel, too."

" What about Reyna?" Bobby asked me.

" She'd crapslap them."

I headed upstairs to Annabeth's room, and she was cacooned up in her bed. Happy to see me there, though.

" Did they take them?" Annabeth asked me.

" No," I told Annabeth," That's why it took 20 extra minutes. I got mad about it. But I convinced them to keep them here."

Annabeth half-smiled," Thanks."

" No problem," I told Annabeth,' I almost crap-slaped them. But I'm not Reyna, so. . ."

" LEave that job to Reyna," Annabeth told me, let me next to her. I put my arms around her, and she rested her head on my chest. After about an hour of talking and that, she fell asleep.

She woke up about 2 hours later, happy to see I was still there. I made them lunch since none of them were really in the shape to do it quite yet. But they did come to the Dining Room at least.

After about 6 months, so about March they were back on their feet again. Everything had been taken care of. In May, Annabeth applied for a few colleges, and so did I. We went to Camp Demigod, like every summer. But Hazel and Reyna were more light.

OF course people asked questions about that, and I saw the last time someone asked, Reyna almost crapslapped them.

Camp ended on the usual day. August 1, we headed back home, and got all our letters. I got into college. It was in Minnesota. St.Cloud State College. Annabeth got into college.

The University of California.

I heard that, and after we hung up I started thinking about it. I had moved out of my parents' house by now. I was would be here until the 30th of August. Same with Annabeth. So at least we would be together our 3 year anniversary. But still. I know we did it across the country. But that was when we weren't really surious yet at all. Most of the time we were just friends. . .

Wait, when we were dating. After the war she stayed in the city to watch, then she was still in New York. ONly time we were apart reall in the country was my memory loss.

Oh, gods. . when I got my memory back. . .

Can I handle that for 3 years?

I. . . .

No, I just can't. I can't handle that feeling so long. I can't except this college. I need one just closer to Annabeth so I can actually see her in person and know who she is, too. It'd be to much to bear after everything.

I looked through the ones in California. I was accepted to one. About 30 miles from Annabeth's college. I could handle that one. But still. There was just something I needed to do if Annabeth was thinking the same thing.

On our anniversary we had dinner at this fancy restraunt that was actually really good. After that we headed to my place. 

We watched a movie, and this time we were still both awake. I had to do it now. It was now or never.

We stood up to strech, and stayed standing. I told her how much I loved her.

" So what ever you decide," I told Annabeth, took out the velvet box, got down on one knee in front of her, and opened it," Would you marry me?"

I don't think she was expecting that.

This absoulutly huge grin goes across her face as she's looking down at me. That made me feel a lot more confident in this.

" Yes!" Annabeth said, sounding really excited. " Yes, gods, I'll marry you, Percy!"

That made me happy. I stood up, slid the ring on her finger, and we kissed.


I. Was. Engaged.

I stay at Percy's a few more hours, and he drove me home. At least he took the college in California, and not Minnesota. Because if he did, it would be a lot harder than it would be now.

I walk into the house, before I can say anything, Bobby and Matthew congradulate me.

Well, now I know Percy asked about proposing.

I went upstairs in my room after about 45 minutes, and fell asleep.

And I fell asleep happy for once in my life.


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