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I laid on my stomach with my chin resting on my hands.  I looked up with wide eyes and open ears, listening to everything to Mr.Riggs stories.  When he was my age he acted in movies, I've never seen a movie but I've heard alot about them.  You watch people act out things while other people record you. I gasp as  he said,  " You know kids, when i was younger everyone thought apocalypse would have zombies." 

"Zombies? What are those Mr.Riggs?" A younger kid named Jimmy asked.  Mr.Riggs scratched his white beard and looked up at the ceiling, then spoke, " Zombies, well don't let your mom know I'm telling you these things, might give you nightmares." The kid nodded and the other kids followed along.  " Zombies are flesh eating humans, well they were humans tell they got infected and went crazy, their flesh rotted and they ate people. " Mr.Riggs then look away like he was deep in thought. Some kids stuck their tongue out gagging and others looked quiet fascinated, me? I didn't care, he said they weren't real right? 

"Kids get to your sleeping quarters, bedtime." Ms. Brewman shouted into the small room.  I groaned and  so did other kids, dragging ourselves down the hallway into our rooms, we all loved storytime by Mr.Riggs or any other older adult survivor.

I walked to my room down the long hallways, I see my sister as I turn the corner.  I called her name and she turned around giving me a small waving motioning for me to catch up. 

"How was your day?" I asked swerving.  She giggled and played with the hems of her plaid dress.

 "I didn't like talking about used to be human things eating people."She said turning her pretty smile into a deep frown.  

I nodded understandably she hugged me clinging to me for life then whispered 

" Don't leave me sissy I don't wanna sleep alone again tonight."  she pulled away all too quickly and walked toward her dorm.  I sighed and turned toward mine, I wish we could sleep in the same dorms as our siblings but that was simply against the rules. 

It was late, i could tell because no sounds echoed in the halls it was silent.  I Sat and let my ears ring into the silence, my body needed sleep but my mind was wide awake with new things to think about every few seconds.  I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable to make myself fall asleep but I started to think about zombies... could those things every be real?  Was it possible?  I shook my head trying to shake the thought but it kept popping back into my mind.  Green skin, peeling rotting flesh, covered in blood. I cringed trying to keep my food down.  Soon enough though I fell asleep.  

The morning bell awoke me from my dreamless sleep, i pushed myself out of bed and toward my closet dressing into a skirt and red shirt.  I braided my long light brown hair to the side and left my dorm to the dining hall.  

I meet my dad and sister and mom in the dining hall to eat and get our family proportions. I wave as I see some friends, giggling as they wave back.  I hug my mom and poke my baby sister's cheek I was 4 years older than her, her 7 and me 11.  I study my father's gruff face, short cut brown hair looks messy, his eye shine a bright green and he has a long beard he is also really tall , second tallest in the district.  My mom pulls a hand threw her soft looking blonde hair her bright blue eyes shine with worry as my baby sister plays under the table, Her small frame makes her on the shorter side of people. No one can deny her beauty but watch out for her fierce self, mouthy and a sharp tongue.  

I snap my eye up as the loudspeaker booms.


Everyone murmurs in confusion but makes their way to their quarters.  My  mom kisses my forehead and my father pats my back giving me a small smile. My mom was a burn medic and my father head of security.  They both had to go leaving me an my sister in our dorms alone. 

I lay in bed listening to the guards outside walking in the halls, my curiosity at what's going on gets stronger almost compelling me to sneak out of the dorms.  An hour later all I've gathered is that this is no drill, something is happening, something we don't know about, but I have to know what it is, hopefully that saying, curiosity killed the cat, doesn't actually kill me. 

I push open my door holding my breath.  The first guard just past, i've been watching their routines to know who's coming and when.  I slowly creep out and close my door still holding my breath scared out of my wits, almost, almost changing my mind but the curiosity for what's going on was intense.  I creep down the hall toward the airing vent. I pull at the side wincing at the squeak of the metal. I back myself in pulling the sheet of metal closed behind me.  I let out my breath I was holding, knowing i'm not safe at all just out of sight i push myself to keep going.

I venture on toward the main gates trying my best to remember the way, i should mark the walls in here gives me an easier way to get around. One day.  I finally make my way to near an opening. It hectic people are crying shouting screaming kicking, it was madness.  How can no one else hear this, whats going on?  I press my face against the cold metal trying to listen ing on someones conversation, but everyones noise doesnt help.  I see the gates open and I hear more crying, people screaming in pure agony.  I feel tear prick at my eyes thinking of my parents, where were they?  I panick as my eye scan the room looking for them but with no luck they are nowhere to be found.  I  then see my best friend Adrianas dad carried in on a stretcher, bloody broken.. my mom comes out from a back room and my chest clenches for the urge to reach out and yell to her but id get in bad trouble. She helps assist the man on the stretcher into the back room.

I look as the gates opens once more bringing in more people but their yelling something... their yelling... for us to run? i see my mom run out toward the men, the man in the very back looks around calmly and takes off his jacket, to reveal, a bomb, hes a suicide bomber, i try to scream but nothing comes out as he yelles in some foreign language and pulls at his chest, it all happens in slow motion yet so fast, right before my eyes, my mother is blown to bits and everyone surrounding her.  I close my eyes waiting for my death too, i feel fire burning hot fire all over my legs then it goes black.

Aftermath of World War 3Where stories live. Discover now