Chapter 1

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I sat up quickly trying to catch my breath, I had that dream again, about my mom.. I touched my left leg and closed my eye, it's been 6 years I should be over this.   I shook my head trying to push the memory in the back of my brain again. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, looking at the wall clock i groaned.  It's 11:15 i slept in.  I pushed myself out of  bed walking toward my closet picking the black cargo shorts and green tunic for the day, I then laced up my black boots and made my way to the wash rooms.  After I washed my face and brushed my teeth I stood there for a minute, studying myself.  My dull green/blue eyes looked back at me boring into my skull curiously.  My shaggy light brown hair is tucked slowly into a ponytail, some wet hairs are still clung to my face. My pale-olive colored skin glowering back at me, I've always liked my complexing, never had much acne or any impurities.  

I snap out f my haze and get back into the present.  I curse under my breath, I'm definitely gonna get some lectures for this.  I wipe my face of any dampness and make my way back to my room. I open the door and pull my hair up into a neater ponytail and grab my jacket from the closet.  I finally make my way to headquarters.  Knocking for permission to enter.  

"Come in." Yells a gruff voice, Aarons. I open the door, shoulders broad and square, my head held high looking up.  " Aliza, Late are we?" Aarons comments calmy. 

I nodded " I was up late sir, I overslept." He huffs and grabs his bread.  "Everyone is doing runs around the city." I get excited cause these are my favorite  exercises, and he knows that.  "But you, you can train the younger kids today, Areas F and C.  I groan mentally.  "Yes Sir." I mumble.

He turns around and goes back to his map, mumbling and writing things down.  I turn toward the door about to walk out when, "Oh And we're getting some new survivors, they came from District 8, thought you'd like to know."  I halt and my breath catches in my throat.  "Thank you sir." I say and walk out toward Area F.  

The kids aren't bad at all today, their listening and completely some what of their daily duties.  This is school for us.  Our duties and training.  Our King and Queen think we should be prepared for the outside world more than learning our history.  They think it's irrelevant. So we never learned, well I know somethings, like their were 2 other world wars.  I learned that from my parents world history book they had illegally when i was a kid, i'm surprised they didn't get punished too badly. The most history others get is the old ones talking and telling stories, the old ones are the survivors of the world war.  They were there before the war happened. My father was only in my grandmother belly when the war happened, quite some years ago, but the nuclear war destroyed everything, almost no where is safe from the fumes and radioactive places.  Many people went insane from the fumes,  making them immune to it and crazy, bonker.  They remind me of the zombies Mr. riggs told us about as a kid.  I've never seen one but i heard there animalistic.   

"Ms. Aliza?" I hear a little girl say to my left.  "Yes Molly?'' I ask turning toward her.  " I finished my duties is it lunch times yet?"  She asked politely.   I loved her she was my favorite, reminds me of myself as ak kid.  " Actually you just reminded me, Line Up!" I yell for the kids to hear. They rush to the door and lineup backs straight ready to eat.  I let out a small chuckle, but my chuckle turns to anger as i realize these poor kids never get to be themselves and play and be young,  after the explosion they started training kids as young as 4.  I open the door and we all make our way down the corridor to Area L. The kids being someone respect full the walk down. I push open the double doors to the lunchroom to be greeted by the loud noises of the cafeteria.  I hear my stomach rumbles and growls at the smell of the food. being i didn't wake up to eat breakfast this morning i'm running off an empty stomach, and I don't get my lunch for another hour being its the kids lunch going on. 

" Look who finally got out of bed." My friend Darian says walking toward me.  I shoot him a sideways glare and and turn back toward the kids.

"Go one and get in line for lunch." I say to the kids shooing them off. I then walk back toward Darien. He shoos his kids off and makes his way towards a back table, I follow. I lay my head on the table listening to my stomach make noises. " How ya doin kiddo?" Darian asks making conversation. I shoot him another weird look.  I ignore his question and ask one of my own, " Do you think there are more people beyond us surviving and well..?" I mumble. " He looks around and then replys, " You know we shouldn't be talking about this here... but yes I do, there can't be just us. "  He then changes the subject.  " I wish we could have some time off or vacation from time to time.  I just nodded, yearning to go back to my dorm and sleep, or even eat.  I look up at the menu and cringe,  Caesar salad, evaporated water, herbs, a pear and a cup of water. I liked breakfast better, its cereal or hot grain, or even oatmeal.   Dinners not the best either,  A big salad, maybe meat,  a vegetable and a water cup. 

I start thinking about my mom.  I wonder how life would be if the explosion didn't happen.  NO one EVER talks about it, It's shunned, something we put on the past and forget, a mistake.  Ever since then we upped our security and medics,  we don't help people as much.  

Sometimes last year healthy group came by at the upper worlds gates and we turned them away, i felt bad, there was a boy my age in that group and his younger sister.  I hoped they found a safe place.  "Aliza.. Aliza!" I snapp out of my haze and look up to darian.  " It's time to go.' he says standing up. I nod and decided to push myself to finish the day.  

I lay awake in my bed again not sleepy, yet earlier all i wanted was to be in bed. I turn to my side and shut my eyes.  slipping into a deep sleep, knowing tomorrow will be the same.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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