Chapter 1: When I was little.....

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When I was little I was a happy mom and dad were happy and so was I......I went to preschool I think it was the one that my mom use to work at. I remember getting my toe get run over by a chair and I cried my toe was bleeding. I also remember putting a fuzzy in my nose, I don't know why I did that but I was little. Skipping ahead to Kindergarten I went to an Elementary school named John S. Clarke. I remember cutting off a piece of my hair with scissors, I got in trouble with my Kindergarten teacher and she put my hair in a plastic baggy and taped a note to the bag and made me give it to my mom so she could read it. I had a dog named Bo and a cat named Sebastian I loved them. I had two best friends one I have been friends with since me and her were babies and one I have been friends with since me and her were young. I would sometimes play pretend with them, sleepover at their house, etc. The one that I have been with since me and her were babies does sometimes put bruises on me from pinching me too hard, she does it because I wouldn't listen to her and would sometimes annoy her. Her name is Angela and Kate is the one I have known since me and her were young like 8 years old or younger I can't remember.

(Hope you like this chapter so far and sorry...)   

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