She Now Logged On

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Title name of section: She Now Logged On

Continued on 1.2.2014 at 10:21PM- 11:43

To those who do not spark my interest. 

*Note: More of a story, not so much my personal endeavor.

The Fortunate Ones

His question had dropped, and he no longer decided to discuss anything with her. The rest of their dancing in class was extremely awkward. His palms grew sweaty and he was quite embarrassed to be there. After their one class together, he walked on to his next class. As he was walking along, he made a plan to rarely, if anything, talk to her in that class.

She continued on, brushing off the heat as the sun brutally beat down on her. She walked inside the classroom and took her seat. She got out her homework, wrote down the new homework, pulled out her notes and placed her pencil on the papers. She hated this class and couldn't focus especially after her losing energy at PE. This class was always long and annoying. Her teacher did not thoroughly explain things and had high expectations for her students. After that class, she packed her things and headed out the main school gate. She walked down the sidewalk and waited for her friends. As she did, she turned and looked at the traffic. When she did, he was sitting there waiting for his ride home.

He looked down at his shoes and sat under the shade of the tree. He looked up at the passing cars and then at the sidewalk full of students. He turned away again when something caught his attention. He thought he saw her, but wasn't entirely sure. He looked again and there she was, looking at him. She turned away slyly as if she were looking at something else. He was confused. He wasn't sure if he saw her looking at him and only him or if he just imagined it. His ride had arrived, and he sat in the passenger seat. He looked out of his window and saw her and her friends walking up the hill. He looked away and tried his hardest to keep her off his mind. It was extremely difficult.

She walked past the majority of the school and was listening to her friends rant about their last class. She yawned after being showered by the sunlight's heat which caused her to become sleepy. It was twenty minutes for the ride home, but she couldn't wait for her next encounter with him. Although the thought did not stay long in her mind. She had a separate life after school and different friends that came with it.

The reality plug that was connected to her life outlet was removed and in came a new plug. She now logged on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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