Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As I stare into the eye's of evil my heart starts to race. I twist & turn but theres no use. My hands are chained as well as my legs. I could feel the rusty handcuffs digging into my skin causing me to bleed.

   "Please don't." I cry out. "Please let me go."

    The man ignores my please & instead lays next to me. I try to move away but as long as i was handcuffed i was trapped. I begin to cry heavier & shake rapidly only fearing the worst.

   "Your so beautiful." The man whispers as he strokes strands of my hair. The look this man hold is like nothing i have ever seen. His crazed lifeless eyes roam my body.

  "Please." Was all I could say at this point. "Im begging you."

  "Theres no use in begging. I want you darling & I'm going to have you." The man moves in closer leaving trails of small kisses. I had to force myself not to vomit.

  I try once again to protest but that just earned me a slap across the face.

"Stop moving." The man demanded

I continue to cry knowing what fate has in store. Why?Was all i could think of at this moment. As the mans body hovered over me I screamed hoping maybe just maybe someone could hear.

  "Your mines." Was his last words before ripping my shirt off

   "No, please stop." I beg & plea over & over again....



* * *

I twist and turn in my sleep. My breathing becomes heavier. My palms becomes tighter. I start to scream as I clentch my covers. Tears start to fall from my eye's. I continue to scream in horror. "Please, please no."

"Nikkie."A voice Called out to me.

I try to open my eyes but they won't budge.

"Nikkie." A warm hand starts to shake me gently. I wake up In a sudden rush.

"Mom." I whisper out of breathe.

  "Your okay, it was just another nightmare." She opens her arms trying to embrace me in a hug but i flinch away.

"Nikkie."She pleaded

"I'm fine I just need to get ready." Truth is I'm not fine but I wasn't going to tell my mom that. I wasn't gonna tell anyone that.

I get out of bed leaving my mother with her own sadness as i head to the bathroom. I turn the hot water on and undress. I put my hair in a bun and walk into the shower. I close my eye's, level my breathing and try to relax. I let the hot water unwind my tense muscles.

After my shower I turn off the water and dried myself. I walk to my room and started to get dressed.

I put on my sports bra & gym shorts. I get my boxing bag & fill it with cloths. I put my hair in a pony tail & grabbed my phone. I pulled my bag over my shoulders & threw on my sneakers.

"Were are you going honey?" My mom ask.

"I'm going to the gym and then to meet Josie."

"Okay be sure to be home by ten. Don't forget first day of school starts tomorrow."

"Okay." I agree while walking to my car.

I open my car door and throw my boxing bag in the passenger seat. I start the engine & turn on the radio. As I drove to the gym my mind wondered. I start to think of my nightmare. I've had this nightmare all summer.

As I remember that terrible day my eye's start to water. I slow my car down as I stop at a red light.

"Damn it." I whisper to myself.

   The light turns green and I continue to drive. I turn the radio up to the highest volume & let the music drown out my thought. I park into the gym drive way & head in with my bag around my shoulders.

"Hey Nick." Jason greets me when I get inside.

"Hey." I replied with smile. Jason was one of my dads friends son.

I walk over to my usual punching bag & set my things down. I put on my punching gloves & begin my work out. All my anger comes rushing towards me once my fist hits the bag. My fear long gone replaced with hatred. My nightmare replays over & over again in my mind. I was so consumed in my thoughts I hadn't realize my name was being called.

"Nikkie." I turn to see a worried Jason staring at me.

"What?" I snap while continue to punch my punching bag.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine, why?"

"If I didnt know any better I'd say that punching bag pissed you off bad."

I tried to take it as a joke but it wasnt working. I continue to punch my anger out, my fear, my sorrow.

"Wanna talk about it?" He continue to push.

I suddenly stop punching & turn to face Jason.

"Not really." i replied

With that said I pick up my gym bag & walk to the showers.

I turn the shower to hot water & strip my cloths. I enter & let the water relax my trembling skin. My sweat now disappeared, and my worry. For a split second I felt nothing. As fast as it came it went & anger, hatred filled me once more. I closed my eyes & all I could see was the devils face, the same face that haunts me everyday. A cold heartless man with no soul.

I open my eyes & punch the concrete wall over & over again until blood was running down my knuckles. I rinse my hand under the shower. After my shower I get dressed in a pair of sweats & a tank top. I wrap my hand in Bandages. It stings but Ill get threw the pain. I just sit for a couple of seconds before exiting the showers & then the gym.

"Bye jase." I wave while opening the door to leave.

"See ya." He waves back

I walk to my car & hop in. I plug in the keys & my engine roars with fire. I pull out of the parking lot & make my way to the mall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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