A suffocating dilemma

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Yuki and Conan.

   Conan brushed his ebony hair out of his eyes, looking into the dark room. He was in an ruined underground library, one that had already proven to have boobie-traps. His current objective? Find Yuki, his mate, lover, Tivara (a word for the love of his life, his native language.) Conan came from an ancient werewolf tribe, one many viewed as just a myth. 

"Yuki?" His deep voice echoed off the walls.
"Conan!?" Yuki's voice rang clear and he instantly went to her, hugging her.
His joy was cut short when he heard the creaking metal door snap shut, blanketing the room in darkness.
Thankfully, Conan's wolf-ish genes helped in that department, and his eyes adjusted so he could see partially.

"Yeah. That happened to me too.. We can't open the door." Yuki spoke softly, upset that now they were both trapped. Conan nodded, looking around the room. "It's okay, I can see alright." Yuki let out a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, this ruined library had secrets to hide, and in return, had ways to hide them. Conan's eyes widened when he noticed the numerous water-bloated corpses around the room. Water started trickling in holes in the wall, slithering towards their feet. Conan blinked, suddenly realizing the situation. Yuki squeaked, feeling water started to seep through her shoes. "Yuki, don't freak out... I believe we are in a drowning chamber.." Conan murmured, assessing the situation.

Yuki's eyes widened and she ran towards the wall, hitting it. "Guys! Help! No no no! Help!" Conan frowned and pulled her to him, hugging her.
"Shh. I'm gonna get you out of here. I won't let you die." He stroked her hair, trying to calm her.  Glancing at the water he did a quick mental calculation. "We have ten minutes.. So let's just try to get out of here." Conan was answered with a small nod, and he let of of Yuki, holding her hand and feeling the walls. He had told her ten minutes, in reality, they only had seven. His fingertips grazed over a button, and he immediately hit it, cursing when it only let more water in.
"I get it.. It's a guessing game.." Conan's eyes, one grey and one blue, scanned the walls, looking at the different sizes and shaped buttons. "I can listen for the water behind the walls and..." He trailed off brainstorming, but looked to Yuki when he felt a small tug on his arm.
"No time to think! Just go!"
Conan nodded and walked around, pulling her with him as he listened for the sound of running water. Despite the difficulty, he narrowed it down to four buttons.
"It has to be one of these.." Conan stared, determined and hit a button, allowing more water in. He grimaced and moved to the next one.
Second button, more water.
Third button, more water, Conan cursed.
Fourth button, more water.
By now, the water was chest level, and the two lovers began to tread water. Yuki had been crying for the last two minutes and it was breaking Conan's heart. She clung to him, sobbing in his chest. "Yuki.." Conan spoke, struggling to keep his own composure. "Yuki, I need you to let go, I'm going to swim and look around." Yuki whimpered lightly, but did as told and let go.
"I'll be back.. Yuki, when the water reaches the ceiling, hold your breath for as long as possible."  Conan nodded and kissed her passionately, pulling back and diving underwater. Yuki stayed treading water, her sobs starting to rack her whole body as the ceiling got closer and closer. Conan swam down, looking at the four buttons, and grimaced at the putrid water stinging his eyes.
Finally, he noticed a small button, and pushed it, eyes shining with thankfulness as a drain appeared on the ground and the water level started dropping. Yuki had her hands pressed to the ceiling, and glanced around the dark when she notices the water dropping. "Conan?" She asked the empty air, only hearing the sound of gurgling water.

Conan let go of the button for a moment but reapplied pressure when it stopped draining. He grimaced, his lungs starting to burn, begging for air. Letting out a few bubbles,  Conan yanked a bone from a skeleton, snapping it and jamming it into the button, holding it down. He ignored the gore, only focused on saving Yuki. 
"Conan!?" Soon Yuki was in hysterics, her eyes searching the darkness as if he would appear in front of her. Conan let out more air, and after he was positive the makeshift stopper would work, boosted up to the surface. Coughing violently, his eyes landed on Yuki.
"Conan!?" She swam towards him, latched onto him and started to sob in his shoulder. Conan coughed, and hugged her close to him in a backwards piggy-back style. He held her up when the water completely dissapeared, a loud slosh noise echoing in the room. "C-Conan.. I was.. So scared.. I lost you.. I.." Yuki spoke broken words between her sobs, and clutched onto him. "I love you so much.. I love you so much." Yuk shook her head, crying into his shoulder as she spoke.
Conan breathed deeply and stroked her now wet hair.
"I love you too.. gods I love you.." He spoke, his voice raspy. He composed himself for the time being and pushed open the now unlocked door, glancing at the others with teary eyes, and walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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