Nishio Nishiki ≫ Coffee

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Kami University.

One of Tokyo's toughest schools, and I made it. Half way through the semester of my freshman year, and I still can't believe it.

Slowly but surely, my dream of becoming an English teacher will finally be fulfilled.

The classes are definitely tough, but with a focused mindset, I can do it.

The campus is huge with so many eager students, just like me thrilling for knowledge.

Just like any other day, I make my usual stop to the drink machine for an instant coffee. Staying focused doesn't cut it if you can't stay awake.

I wait my turn behind tall gentleman with shaggy, golden red hair.

Ping-ping He dials his order.

I stare at the ground as I hear the machine clink and clank as it prepares for his beverage.


"Aw come on!"

I look up to see the guy cursing and smacking the side of the drink machine.

"Piece of shit!"

He kicks it before turning around. He jumps back, startled. He must not of known that I was there. He had eyes caramel, like fields of wheat framed with squared glasses. He had a very handsome face.

His brows were raised in surprise but quickly lowered to a scowl. And he moved slightly passed me.

"The stupid thing is broken, sorry," He called, keeping straight, waving a hand, "If you happen to get it unstuck, keep it, my treat."

Before I could say anything, he was too far to even hear.

I look back to the machine and see his drink stuck, mid air. As I walk closer to it, I notice he was trying to get a coffee as well.

I turn in the direction the guy was walking but, he was already gone.

I sigh, man I really wanted a coffee.

I bump the machine with my hip.


I bump a little harder.

Still nothing.

I groan and smack my head against the machine in defeat. I raise my wrist and look at my watch. My next class doesn't start for another 20 minutes.

"Guess I'll look for another one..."

I remove my head and turn to walk away.

As I take a step I hear a bang.

I face the machine once again and notice the coffee no longer stuck!

My eyes light up and I charge to the machine, opening the hatch to find the coffee the shaggy haired guy bought!

Silently cheering, I put the drink in my bag and put money in the machine for another coffee. I've gotta find that guy again.

I open my canned coffee and take a sip.


Looking around campus, I become overwhelmed with the size. I'm never going to find him. Besides that, that was the first time I had seen him so, who's to say that I'd even seen him again??

With disappointing eyes, I shuffle to my next class early.

Once it starts, I can't think about anything else but that guy. So much for staying focused. There was just something about him that intrigued me. Was it the way he looked? His aura? His scent? Before I could figure it out, my lecture was over. At least it was my last class of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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