The Red Monster

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 Ok, so you and Aido have been dating for a little over a month... and something seemed.... off about him. And the night-class. You talked to him about it, but he never really said anything. In fact, he would change the subject, and other times he would cancel dates. It was really starting to bother you... and you knew something was wrong. So, on a Sunday you walked to the moon dormitories (A/N: don't ask about how you got in... you just did). You knocked on the large white doors and, just as expected, Aido opened the door.

"Hey (y/n)." He smiled.

"We need to talk." You said, sternly. He for a fact knew what was coming.

"Alright." He said, walking out, shutting the door behind him. The two of you took a short walk while talking.

"Are you ok?" You asked, plainly. "You seem off, did something happen? Did I do something? Do you... no longer wanna be together?" You asked, looking down.

"No no no no! No, that's not it. I do. I really do, I love you...." He whispered.

"Then what's wrong?" You asked, tears welling up in your eyes. You didn't mean to. He hated it when you cried. It made him feel bad inside. It made him feel like a bad boyfriend. He always did his best to make you smile, no matter what.

"I'm..." He tried to think of the right words... but... he couldn't think of them. "Here." He grabbed your arm and gently tugged you to the forest. He stood a few feet away from you and you hear some... cracking? You turned around and saw a frozen tree!! Completely frozen!! You were shocked.

"That's part of it..." He muttered.

"And the other?" You asked. He backed up even more. He looked down as if contemplating if you would leave him for his monstrous secret. He looked up and you saw glowing red eyes and fangs.

In The Crowd (Aido Hanabusa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now