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Because of their conditions, neither Demi, nor Lauren could see each other mainly because moving them with how fragile they were, just wasn't an option. So being the hard ass that Clara had become, demanded that Demi be moved into Lauren's room, bed and all.

So much to Leah's disappointment, the nurses removed the extra bed she had been using when she stayed overnight in Lauren's room, and replaced it with Demi's bed, a sleeping Demi on it and all.

She perked up when she was told that the couch in the room turned into a pull out sofa, and relaxed with the confirmation that she wouldn't have to end the nights with her mother so soon.

Rose and Leah had actually worked out a schedule, so that someone was always with the two injured women, which amused everyone else to no end. Jesse was happy to spend the nights hanging with Normani and Dinah, acting like it was a sleepover much to their amusement. He actually insisted they all sleep in one bed so he could lay between them like he used to with his mother's occasionally.

They both blushingly agreed, much to Lauren's amusement, and she wondered for a moment where her brother had gotten that idea from, and when she saw the smug face daughter's snickering in the corner of the room to herself she shook her head as her suspicions were confirmed. So her daughter was playing match maker? Well, after so many years someone had to. At this rate the two women would never figure out a way to make the first move.

Since it was now safe for Camila and Leah to go home, there was a dilemma when the Latina woman realized she couldn't separate her daughter from her mother, especially now. Which leads us to the argument that was currently taking place.

"Lauren, you are being stubborn." Camila protested, pacing the crowded suite in frustration as Lauren sat on her propped up bed with her arms crosses petulantly.

Leah was sitting in the chair by Lauren, Clara next to her, as Demi watched on amused with Rose as they snuggled together on her bed. Normani, Dinah and Jesse giggled and laughed at the scene before them, and Chris and Taylor quietly videoed the argument for future taunting. Family memories were important after all.

Lauren exhaled through her nose, trying to keep calm as she said, "Camila, I don't need you to take care of me. You have a restaurant to run, and I can find a nurse to stay with me and Demi. It wouldn't be that expensive for me, and I will be fine. I won't have you bathing me or changing my bandages Cabello. That is just so very wrong!"

Camila threw her hands up exclaiming, "We are both women! You're being childish about this! Thanks to the trust fund that you have for Leah, I don't actually have to work much. I already promoted Ally as my manager, and with Leah in school now I can focus on helping you. And before you start whining about that, you should know that Rose has taken time off to help Demi and she shouldn't have to stress over you too when I am just fine helping too!"

"I can get a nurse!" Lauren insisted, scowling.

"Can you just move in and let me help the mother of my child?! What is really wrong with moving in with us? You would be able to see Leah every day! Do you honestly think our daughter can handle living away from you?! She already sleeps in here Lauren, why don't you be the bigger person and agree. I moved in with you when it was necessary and now it's your turn!" Camila said, her voice rising at the end.

Lauren's eyes looked cautiously at her daughter, and grimaced at Leah's hopeful expression. The teen was practically begging her with her eyes to agree, and Lauren was loath to deny her daughter anything. Even if she lost her dignity by allowing Camila to bath her scarred body.

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