You're Not Telling Me Something

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Elsa's P.O.V. 

Rapunzel checked my bandages, making sure they were in place and that I was healing okay. 

Truth be told, I felt horrible, but I pretended to be okay.  I was so tired of everyone worrying about me. 

"You feeling okay?"  Rapunzel asked. 

"What?  Oh, yeah, just thinking." 

"Then you're good to go!"  Rapunzel chirped. 

"Thank you."  I replied, before standing up and leaving. 

After my checkup with Rapunzel, I went straight to my room. 

This was almost a routine now, since North said I forbidden from training until I was completely healed. 

I closed the door to my room, thinking I'd take a nap.  Maybe read.  I don't know. 

I let out an annoyed sigh.  I was so tired of not being to do anything! 

Looking down at my hands I decided it couldn't hurt to try. 

North had banned me from using my powers.  Little did he know my powers had quit working. 

I thought long and hard about ice and snow, then I tried to summon some. 

My hands glowed blue for a moment but then the color faded, and nothing else happened. 

"I'm going to bed."  I said aloud. 

I changed into night clothes, though it was only noon, and walked across the room to bed. 

That's when the memories, and the nightmares, came. 

Hi!  I'm so sorry this chapter is super boring.  To be honest, I couldn't think of anything so I decided I'd stick with Elsa a little bit. 

If you have questions or some suggestions for the next chapter, I'd be happy to consider and answer them! 

Thanks for reading!

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