The beginning Chapter 1

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Sengoku Rance:Story

Real History Route

Initially, Rance was just touring JAPAN withSill for an onsen trip with the ultimate goal of H-ing JAPAN's famed beauty, Kouhime. Along the way,Rance was mostly just H-ing people. One day they stopped by a dango house, and met Nobunaga and Kouhime (who turn out to be way under the age limit for Rance) of theOda Clan. Nobunaga and Kou enjoy the lives of ordinary folks, which is why they often disguise as commoners and work in the dango (several balls with a stick going through them) place. Incidentally, dangos made by Kou are... inedible... Nobunaga and Rance got along very well. Eventually Nobunaga lets Rance run the Oda house from behind the scenes, because Nobunaga doesn't want to deal with the politics at all, finding it too much a bother.

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