chapter 6: Yamamoto Isoroku Route

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Yamamoto Isoroku Route

After the seventh gourd breaks, Kouhime disappears. Unfortunately, when Rance and the others find her, she already passed away. Further more, Nobunaga is assumed to be dead as well. Eventually, Nobunaga's will was found. His will states that Rance will lead the Oda House in his absence, with the condition that Rance will produce an heir with a Japanese woman whom will then lead the House. With an anti-pregnancy spell cast by Sill, Rance used this as an excuse with many women in JAPAN (whom wanted to have a child to become the next heir). Eventually, Keikoku uses incense to render Rance unconcious, and claimed they H-ed and she was pregnant. As a result of this, she forced 3G to pay for costs of the baby. Yamamoto Isoroku discovered that the baby is actually not Rance's, and fought Keikoku. Keikoku ran away after people came to help Isoroku. At first, Yamamoto originally wanted an heir to revive her House, but eventually confessed her love to Rance and that she does not care about having a child to revive the house anymore. Rance was moved by her confession, and ordered Sill to remove the spell. As a result of this, she eventually became pregnant.

Xavier eventually started attacking JAPAN. During these attacks, Kentaro got seriously injured, and Miki turned him into a Dark Lord to save him but felt guilty in turning Kentaro into a "monster" and ran away. Without the Lemons in her possession, Miki's Demon King nature start to surface. Rance eventually finds her to Miki's annoyance, and she was about to freeze him. Isoroku shows up and was about take the hit for Rance, but luckily Miki's human nature came back in time, caring about the baby in Isoroku's womb, so she didn't get frozen. The baby later started to act up, so Isoroku can no longer participate in battles. The war with Xavier goes on, until Xavier loses patience and flew to Oda's castle to directly challenge Rance's group. The battle was tough, but Isoroku shot an arrow right in Xavier/Nobunaga's eye, greatly weakening Xavier. In a raging counterattack, Xavier cut off one of Isoroku's legs. Rance's group were able to defeat Xavier as result of Isoroku's action, and Isoroku was able to survive, but became handicapped due to the assault. She gave birth to a son, but during this time Rance left JAPAN. Approximately ten years later, Rance organizes a massive army to fight against the Demon Realm. JAPAN is led by Rangi, who is Rance and Isoroku's son. Prior to leaving for battle, Rangi was suited up by his mother and sent off by her.

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