Sophomore Year: Indianapolis Concert

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I had gotten dressed and redressed so many times now, and every outfit was almost identical to the last.  A band t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a beanie.  There were so many options, and I wanted to look just right.  I mean, I couldn't go to an All Time Low concert and not look good.  It was a big deal.  My favorite band would be in front of me in less than five hours at that point.  I had yet to do my hair, makeup, and of course, drive there. 

After several pointless changes, I chose the first outfit and began to curl my hair. 

"and I'm already gone, I'm already something, to someone, that I don't know." I sang along to my IPod as I worked on my mess of hair.  It always took me forever to curl my hair.  It's rather thick, so I have to curl it in layers.  It takes me at least an hour, and then I just brush through it to make it soft anyway.  However, it ends up looking amazing, and what better time to look amazing than my first concert ever?

Once I found my hair to be up to par, I attempted to do my makeup, and as usual, my winged eyeliner ended up slightly uneven.  I shrugged and gave up, due to the fact that no one would be close enough to notice or care about my eyeliner.  With the last brush of mascara on my rather colossal lashes, my phone began to vibrate uncontrollably.

"Hello?" I answered, not even bothering to look at who was calling.

"Hey! Mikayla, can you give me a ride to the concert?  My parents decided to take the car and if you can't take me, I'm stuck here." Lea asked me.  Now, Lea and I had recently become friends through similar tastes in well, most things.  However, I had no clue where she lived.

"Sure, but I need you to like, stay on the phone with me and give me directions to your house."  I responded as I adjusted my beanie.

"No problem! are you leaving soon?"

"Yeah, I'm walking out the door now."  I reassured her as I tied my converse and grabbed the keys to my mom's car.

Lea continued to direct me to her house.  I spent about twenty minutes feeling totally lost, however, I found it.  She basically ran out the door to my car.

"Hey, I brought a pre-concert playlist to get us pumped!" Lea excitedly told me while shoving the CD in the stereo. The next forty-five minutes, we spent jamming out to several similar bands, and talking about how excited we were.

"Do you think they'll play Lost In Stereo? I mean, how could they not?" She thought aloud.

"I'm just hoping they play Canals.  It's my absolute favorite!" I responded, attempting to somewhat focus on the road.  I was a new driver, and by new I mean I just got my license two weeks ago. 

I turned in to the Lucas Oil Stadium parking lot and found a space.  It was a bit far, but Lea and I were no strangers to walking.  It was honestly a good pass time of ours.  We made our way to the entrance, and a similar face appeared for a few seconds before disappearing into the crowd.  I couldn't place a name, but I swore I knew him.  He was attractive for sure, but how could I have known him?

"Did you see that guy?"  I asked Lea.

"Mikayla, there is a huge sea of people up there, I see a lot of guys.  You'll have to be more descriptive."  She sarcastically responded.

"Nevermind, maybe I'm just too excited."  I said, trying to shrug off any idea that I knew the guy.  He looked about twenty anyway, there was no way I knew him. 

Lea and I pushed our way through the crowd, and ended up in the second row from the front of the stage. I was about to see them.  My boys.  This was quite possibly one of the best moments of my entire life.  I felt an elbow in my side and I turned to give someone an angry look.  However, I came to find the guy I had seen earlier.

"Well..hi sir, can you not elbow me?"  I asked this rather attractive man.

"Geesh, someone has memory loss. I thought you'd remember an attractive flight with a swimmer, but I guess not." He whined.  It then of course hit me, it was Ben.  The boy on the plane a few months ago.

"Oh my gosh Ben!" I said, then realizing he had no clue that I knew his name.

"Well yeah...did we exchange names? because if we did, I don't remember yours and now I feel bad." He said softly.

"Oh right, yeah, it's Mikayla you silly goose."  I recovered.  He didn't need to know Allie was creeping on him via internet.  Lea was giving me a questionable look, so I figured I should probably explain.

"Lea, this is Ben.  I met him on my plane ride to Baltimore a few months ago." I turned to Ben. "Ben, this is my friend Lea."

They shook hands before Ben continued our conversation.

"So, my friend and I are kind of here alone..and you don't have to by any means, but would you two kind of want to be our 'dates'?" he asked. I turned to Lea, unsure of what to do, and I saw her look at his friend.  She violently shook her head yes.

"We'd love to." I attempted to say flirtatiously but it came out slightly awkward. His friend, I'm still not sure of his name to this day, shuffled behind us, and over to Lea.  Ben wrapped his arms around my waist, and I gave him a rather questionable look.

"This is okay right?" he asked me and at first, I wasn't sure what to say.  I enjoyed it, but was it too fast? 

"Of course."  I responded, even though my gut was telling me that maybe it wasn't. The music started and suddenly, any nervousness subsided.  I was lost in the lyrics and he was just watching me enjoy myself.

Lost in Stereo came on and Lea literally jumped out of joy.  I looked at her and she screamed.

"OMG Mikayla! They're playing it!"

"OMG Lea I know!"

"I'm guessing she likes this song?" Ben asked me.

"Yeah, it's her favorite.  We talked about it on the drive over."  I said in his ear and he gave me this huge smile.  I'm not sure why, but his smile was contagious.  I felt my smile creep on to my face and in that moment I swear I could feel my eyes light up too. I was here, at my first concert with this boy I keep running in to.  This day had gotten significantly better.

"Your smile is beautiful."  He said while I was amidst the music and my thoughts.

"Aww, thank you.  Your eyes are perfection.  Just saying."  I flirted back as the beginning chords of Canals started.

"LEA!" I screamed as she gave me a knowing look.

"If I remember correctly, this is our favorite song."  He shouted to make sure I'd hear him. The fact that I was completely lost in the music and singing along gave him my answer.  He began to sing along too.  I was attempting to dance as well, but his arms were still around my waist, he let go to dance with me.  In that moment, The rest of the crowd disappeared.  It felt like the entire world had vanished and it was just him and I.  By the time the song ended, I was tired.  He pulled me in for a hug, and I laid my head on his chest.  He rested his chin on my head as Therapy began to play. 

Therapy faded into several other songs.  We sang along, danced, and goofed off until the very last song.  Somewhere in Neverland began and Lea and I were belting out the lyrics.  We both agreed it was our second favorite of course.  However, I was cut off by a pair of lips.  Ben had pressed his to mine and after a few seconds of shock I had melted into the kiss.  I guess those are the best kind, unexpected and passionate.

I held his hand as we walked out of the stadium and he kissed me again before going our separate ways.  I believe Lea also got a kiss from what's-his-face.

"You and Ben are the absolute cutest!" She shrieked when they were out of ear shot.

"You two were pretty darn cute too!" I shrieked back.

"Well what can I say? We were a pretty cute foursome."

"Agreed" I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

It was no longer just a coincidence I kept running into Ben.  Something bigger was happening here, and I wanted to find out what. It had dawned on me I never asked for his number, and I immediately regretted it.  As I got home, I flung myself on the bed.

"Until I see you again Ben." I said before falling asleep.

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