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Valintina POV

It's has been about two weeks since Ethan asked me out.
Things have been going well.
I was chilling in my room going through my Instagram.
And then I got a call from Ethan.
"Hey babe" I said.
"Hey baby, we going out tonight I will pick you up at 6pm" he said.
It's 5:30 pm.
"You kidding me, 30 minutes to get ready."I said .
"See you in 30" he said and hung up.
I quickly jumped into the shower.
I put on a short red dress with long sleeves and the back open.
I did my makeup and I put my hair in a long sleek ponytail.
I heard knocking on the door.
"Hey babe" I said opening the door.
"He- Whoa you look good baby girl" he said and he kissed me.
"You don't look too bad yourself " I laughed.
"Ready to go" he asked.
"Yeah" i said closing the door.
*30 minutes later *
"Wow this is really fancy" I said getting out of the car.
Ethan held my hand as we walked to the restaurant.
"Reservation for Ethan Dolan" he said to the man.
"Ahh right this way sir" the man said and showed us to our seats.
"HI my name is Isabella and I am your waite- Ethan Oh my gosh." She said.
"Oh my gosh Izzy" Ethan said he got up and gave her a huge hug.
Jealousy spiked through me.
"Oh this is Valintina" he said putting his hand on her back.
I raised an eyebrow slightly.
"HI I am Valintina" I said smiling offering her a handshake.
"So can I get you guys anything" she asked.
"Ummm can I have a (what ever you want it to be) please." Ethan replied.
"And you" she asked.
"Umm can I have a chicken salad" I said.
"And to drink" she asked.
"Umm water is fine" I replied.
And she walked away Finally.
I was gonna punch that Bitch in the nose.

[Skip dinner]

We walked back to the car I had Ethans jacket on.
It smelt so good.
I know I am a weirdo😂.
"You didn't like her did you" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.
"I wouldn't say I didn't like her. More liked wanted to punch her in the face" he laughed.
I put my hands around his neck.
"You know I love you Princess" he said and he squeezed my butt.
"Ethan!!" I said.
"We are in public"
"So?" He said and I laughed.
"It's getting late we should head back" I said giving him a kiss.

[Skip car ride]

We walked up to my house.
"I love you babe" I said giving him a kiss.
"Love you too princess" he said.
I turned around to open the door and Ethan smacked my butt.
I looked back at him.
"Sorry I had too it looks so good" he said lifting his hands.
I laughed and went inside.
I took off my shoes and took my phone out.
And then some one grabbed me from behind and put his hand over my mouth is tried to scream but no one would hear me.
I started kicking my legs.
I got out of his grip and tried to run but the guy grabbed me and pushed me into the glass cabinet.
And glass fell every were.
I started punching back and so did he until he pushed me against the wall very very hard and a fell hit my head on the floor and everything black out.

Holy shit 😱🔫
What happened to Vali.
Thanks for reading ya'll ❤
Love ya'll amazing people. 😍

Meant To Be// Ethan.Dolan Fanfic !!Where stories live. Discover now