Chapter 7

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Rebecca's POV

I wake up after sunlight shone through my light curtains, I get up and shuffle to the bathroom. I get changed and head downstairs. I check my phone and see that I have one new message from Niall.

I stare at it before smiling, I decided to accept his offer to spend the day with him after all we are just friends right? 

I head back upstairs and quickly get dressed, I brush my hair and my teeth and text Niall my address. 

About ten minutes late Niall texts me to say he is outside, I lock my front door and travel down the stairs as I was to impatient to wait for the lift. I spot Niall in his car and I walk over and hop in.

"hey!" I say greeting him.

"Hi" he replies smiling.

We carry on our conversation from last night, about school, Ireland, one direction .........

And I think its pretty safe to say I know a lot about him by now. He pulls into a car park and I realize we are at madame Tussaud's. I realized that out of all the times I visited London not once had I ever been here. We make our way over to the front desk and pay our entrance fee's.I attempted to pay for my own, but it was just no use arguing with him.  We walk round as he tells me all about how he became famous, he stops now and again to take pictures with the wax figures before starting again.  I spot some seating and we gladly take a rest from walking. We both sit down. I was about to say something but I notice Niall's awkward hard posture, before he says.....

"Look, Rebecca I know I have known you less than 48hours but I really like you and I can't stop thinking about you, and I was wondering whether you would like to go out with me?" 

I look at his gleaming blue eyes, I have to admit I really like him too.

" Niall, I really like you too" I say seeing his eyes light up...

"But, I don't know if we would work" I say quietly

"Why?" Niall asks confused

"Because, Your always away and then with my sports training I go to places all over Europe as well, we would never get to see each other" I explain

"Okay, I know we are both very busy, but I will make and find time for you, I'm not going to just let an opportunity for me like this just pass. Can we at least just try?" He pleads

" I guess we could try" I start but before I can finish he pulls be into a big hug.

I can't help but smile as he holds me in his arms. "Come on" he says and takes my hand.

We walk over to where the figures of One direction, are....

Niall's POV

We walk over to the figures of One Direction, with her hand in mine. Once we reach the Figures she giggles and hops over to my figure.

"It looks just like you Niall" she remarks

"Haha yeah it does, can I get a kiss?" I ask her jokingly

She smiles and nods and walks over to my figure and gives it a quick kiss on the cheek. I chuckle at her before saying

"Okay, now my turn"

She slowly comes over to me and gives me a quick sweet kiss on my left cheek. I smile at her as we move towards the exit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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