The Very End of the World

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I would like to proudly present the conclusion of Minecraft: The Apocalypse

Tension crackled in the room like a livewire. "Welcome, one and all, to the Samarov brothers grand finale!" Viktor bellowed with the bravado of a circus ringmaster. "End of the line, dearies." Igor taunted. "Once that countdown hits zero, a potion will be released that will kill every human left on this desolate world." "Liar." Jonathan hissed, but he didn't sound sure. Igor made a facial expression far too cruel to be considered a grin. "My brother and I took a potion so we can survive it. It will make us immortal once it's released." Grayson pulled out one of the journals without the brothers noticing and whispered to Jonathan, "One of those buttons on the console will kill the monsters. It's a failsafe." Jonathan glaced at the two identical buttons, sitting side by side. "Which one?" he asked. "It doesn't say." Grayson replied. "Of course." Jonathan muttered bitterly. "We have the power of gods. Now, you will die." Vikor said, flicking a switch. Several doors opened and scores of mobs exploded out of them. Jonathan and his comrades drew their weapons and charged. Pure chaos ensued as the battle raged between man and monster. Jonathan noticed that the countdown had less than two minutes left. He ran toward it, but was tackled by Viktor. "Careful. One of those releases the potion early. Now as much ad I want that to happen, I want to kill you myself, to drain every last drop of blood from your body. Viktor growled menacingly. One minute. Jonathan wrestled him off, at the cost of a sword cut in his shoulder. Thirty seconds. Jonathan dove towards the left button and slammed it down, not knowing if the potion that would be released would be his salvation or damnation. The countdown had mere seconds left when a green potion was released and exploded.

To br concluded...

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