60 3 1

+010 456 777
hi. im not gonna bathe jaws today, you're an asshole.

um i think u got the wrong number

+010 456 777
oh fuck sorry but are u sure ure not hanse. don't play with me or i'll dropkick you.

no lmao im inha
no lmao im inh|
no lmao

i clicked out of the imessage app and went through twitter, ignoring the incident that occured seconds ago.

it's 4:21am and im not sleepy at all to be honest. currently just scrolling through my eye candy's account, carefully not to like or rt any tweets by mistake.

"why are you so hot, i almost teared up what the fuckd dcncnsnMkz" i mumbled loudly into a pillow.

"stop looking at that old selca sejun posted in 2012, you're sick. go to bed headass" my sister threw an alarm clock at me and i fortunately dodged it.

i kinda fell asleep after that and dreamnt of weird shit i can't really remember. after two hours, i woke up and hell reached me. it's a school day.

i prepared necessarily for school - bathed, uniform, simple makeup, hair, a canvas bag which literally only contains my pencil case and a lip tint for touch ups. i wore my shoes and went out the door.

my school's 20 minutes away from where i live so i had to take the bus for transportation. it's bad. i hate it because byungchan from class 3/4 uses the same route as i do, but heads up he's sejun's bestfriend so im fine, kinda.

when i reached the bus stop, byungchan was already there wtf its 7am, he usually comes later than me.

"hi inha" byungchan cheered as he looked down to his cellphone to find a good song to play as he had his earphones on.

i returned him a simple smile and stood beside him to wait for the bus.

couple minutes later, the bus came but it was hella crowded and there was only a little space. thankfully, the bus driver still had the heart to open the door for the commuters.

byungchan stepped into the bus first which let no space so i backed out, what an ass hat. out of no where, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in, which left my face flying into his chest but hitting my jaw in his shoulder bones at the same time. unpleasant.

people would think it's romantic but it's bullshit, could've been sejun.

byungchan and i were squeezed throughout the whole ride, it was pretty uncomfortable but whenever i look up to him, he seemed to be fine with it so i don't know. doesn't really matter.

later on, we reached the school's bus stop and went out looking like a mess. byungchan helped me with my hair for no reason when we got out and stood at the pavement. no we're not close at all, heck i don't even know his last name.

"bYUNGCHANNJEJUEJ" we heard a scream from meters away.

byungchan stopped fixing my hair but he left his palm on the top of my head. i wanted to walk away but his palm was glued to my skull tf.

"oh! come here" he signaled the dude that called for him earlier on. i turned my head slightly and it was my all time crush of the decade, lim sejun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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