His Only Weakness_9

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Chapter nine

The last bell rang for the day and I hurried home. Surprisingly my mother was there. I passed her straight and tried to go to my room but she stopped me. "Uhmm...you want to go out to dinner with me? I really need to spend some time with you." The way her voice was soft and sounded so weak broke my heart and made me feel so guilty. "Sure. Let me go and change." I said in shame.

When i came back down stairs my mother took her purse from the coffee table along with her keys and we left together. We fell into and uncomfortable silence until she spoke up. "So...How's school?"
"School's great mom. Thanks for your concern." I told her in a flat voice. A sad expression crossed her face at the tone of voice i used at her amd it made me regret it as i looked at her.

Now that I really looked at her, she looked tired and stressed out. Her eyes were dull and had dark bags under her eyes. Since she and my dad started having problems she didnt have that glow she once did, and i felt really bad for putting her under more stressed than she already was.

I let out a sigh and and lead her to a nearby bench. "Where should i start?" I mumbled to my self. "Okay...Mom I'm sorry for putting you through so much stress. It's just that....it's been hard at school lately amd with everything that's happened. I was stressed and i released it on you. I became a disrespectful little brat and i totally deserved that broom beating. I'm sorry." The words were sincere.

I finished what i was saying. At first i was struggling for words but as i got lost in though tue words just kind of came out. I looked up at her to see that her eyes were eyes were gleaming with un-shed tears. She was happy. That i could see swirling in those brown orbs. Her face broke out into a large grin.

I knew how she was feeling. Giddy. You know that feeling you get when you're extremely happy or excited about something and you want to burst out screaming but you cant because you'll look crazy or embarrassing. The only thing you can't control is the smile or grin and the happy look in your eyes.

I used to feel like that once when this special someone said something to me. He would make me feel like this but it was all fake and i regret some of the things that i did in my past. Maybe it was Karma for something wrong i did or the Universe just hated me.


"Want to come over at my place tonight?" My boyfriend Shaun for nine asked. Back then i was a cheerleader and he was the captain of the Lacrosse team. We were the perfect couple to everyone as they thought we were meant to be. I even toughht so myself because i absolutey liked him. Alot.
"Uhhh...im not sure..." I trialed off.
"Please??...it's my birthday babe." He almost begged.
"Yeah fine." I agreed.
I went to my cheer practice and when it was over i went home to shower and prepare to go a Shaun's place.

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