Chapter 1: Overwatch

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Your P.O.V

I finally get off the dropship after a 5 hour flight to Watchpoint: Gibralter, "my new home" I say to myself as I look at the structure before me, it is a large communication tower with a satellite dish on top of it. I walk down the ramp and continue to the lab, that's where I need to go, I walk about 5 steps before a young cheery British woman suddenly appears right in front of me causing me to jump, "Sorry love did I scare you?" she apologised quickly after it happens, I take a look at her face and I recognise her as Tracer the pilot that got Into an accident while test piloting a new fighter jet called the slipstream but something went wrong and she couldn't stay in one time period, until she met Winston, he made her a device known as the chrono-accelerator to keep her anchored in time. This also let's tracer jump forward in time and go back in time.
"It's fine" I say before introducing myself "I'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you" you extend your hand "Hi y/n I'm Tracer, but you can call me Lena" after meeting Tracer I move onto finding Winston, I walk to a giant door in a cliff face, beside it are supply crates and a hovering object with "Satellite module MK II" painted on the wings" I hear a voice over an intercom saying "Hang on I'll let you in" after that the doors opened and I walk In to see a gorilla in white armour looking for something "I assume you must be Winston" I say as I approach the primate "Yes" he responds as he pushes a pair of glasses on his face "Ah y/n, or lone Wolf" "Lone Wolf, sir?" "your codename welcome to Overwatch, I made you some armour" Winston points behind me and I look around to see a grey and blue exo-skeleton suit with a helmet on the top. "that is your's, put it on." Winston says proudly as I put the suit on my body, "here this is also belongs to you" Winston hands you a rifle it has the same colour scheme as your suit and it has a Wolf emblem on the grip. "Fits like a glove big guy... SHIT" I heard an explosion it was from the other side of the Base "They're here!" Winston says as he sounds the alarm to signal the defense "Y/n, your team is Tracer, Mercy, Reinhardt, Soilder: 76 and, they are getting prepped for combat you should meet them" Winston says as grabs Some sort weapon.


I run into a room it seems to have a health regeneration protocol in place " Cheers love the cavalry's here" yep tracer British accent "I'll be watching over you" That was Mercy "we're all soilders now" definitely soilder: 76 "justice will be done" Reinhardt. "I play to win!" and that was, I knew for certain, is a gamer and MY online best friend, she has millions of twitch subscribers, I am catching up though as you rose to popularity by playing horror games and shooters,

"Attack commences in 30 seconds" "Y/n, hi that's really you."She turns to the others "HE'S REAL!" "Stay focused" soilder: 76 said with a serious tone "Ok, Dad" she said jokingly. "I hope your aim is as good as it is In call of duty y/n" hops into her MEKA
"Yeah, it is, I practice"

I tighten my grip on my rifle as the sound seems to drown out around me
My suit activates as red lights start to glow
I take a deep breath in as I grab a grenade
My Heads Up Display activates I see my face in the bottom left corner along with my health bar and a numbered version saying 300/300
I exhale as my ultimate meter appears at the bottom of my HUD

:mission Objective:deliver the payload
You run out and throw the grenade and you kill 5 basic foot soilders "Quintuple kill"

you and your team got the payload to the evacuation dropship Winston And the other heroes have already made it and you were just about to get on when you are shot in the shoulder by a sniper, you fall and you look around for them, but fate decided to kick you in the nuts when a black cloud suddenly started to form as a white mask and a body forms, you breath heavily as this man was about to finish you off, no, it was more like meeting the grim reaper himself, he aims one of his shotguns at your left arm and he pulls the trigger, you scream in pain as you arm was blown off, you grab a pistol with your remaining arm and you shoot the grim reaper in the face and he falls,

Your P.O.V

I feel tired, I want to sleep, I hear someone scream and was holding me with my head on her lap, everything is muffled I can't hear anything but she was saying something, hear more gunshots and 20 foot soilders start firing at the dropship and Reinhardt activates his shield and protects us from the fire, I am dragged into the dropship as Reinhardt gets in after us and the door closes, my breaths get shallow as everything around me fades to black until I don't hear my breathing...
Then suddenly out of the darkness I hear mercy and she activates her ultimate as you see yellow and hear

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