chapter 2: recovery

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You slowly regain consciousness, you can hear a faint, steady beeping echoing through the room. Finally you open your eyes to a dark room only lit by dim moonlight you turn your head to the right and see Angela swapping out an IV bag "so I'm in a hospital" you think to yourself "wha-what happened?" You say to Angela, she looks down "ah you're awake, I should bring you up to speed on what happened. watchpoint Gibraltar was lost during a talon attack and we have evacuated to a safehouse in Northern Ireland. You were severely wounded during the battle and you were placed into a medically induced coma which you have been in for the last 6 months. Unfortunately you didn't come out of it unscathed we had to uh a-amputate your left arm or what was left of it..." You look down, panicked, what was once there was now replace by an empty space and a stump, you start hyperventilating, "calm down you'll wake your friend" in confusion you look down and you see Hana resting her head on your legs stirring slightly in her sleep, slowly Hana awakens and she looks at me "oh morning y/n... Wait a fucking minute Y/N YOU'RE AWAKE" she jumps up the bed and wraps her arms around You "She has never left your side since you went into the coma she obviously cares a great deal about you" Hana blushes at this statement "Well, we've been friends for years we live stream together all the time and... and" Angela giggled at Hana's behaviour "It's alright I get it, y/n we can operate in the morning to set you up with a prosthetic it's just a matter of putting a tiny microchip into the spine and fusing the metal frame to the bone. You should get some rest I'll leave you two alone, goodnight" Angela walks out of the room and Hana turns back to you and she smiles "If you ever die like that on me again I will kill you" "Well thanks for the warning" you chuckle lightly she looked down "There aren't many people I can relate with here, other than Lúcio and Lena, I missed having you around I guess, anyway you should take it easy one arm wonder" you chuckle a little "Is that your new pet name for me now? Besides I've been taking it easy for the past 6 months" Hana smirks "Only if you come up with one for me" "ok... how about 'bunny' like your twitch profile pic" she thought about it for a moment "Yeah! I like it." I look down at the bandaged stump "weird, I can still feel my arm, phantom limb, I guess" I look down to the bed and see Hana sleeping across my legs "of course" I sigh to myself. I begin to close my eyes and drift into sleep.

12 hours later

I wake up in a dark room with one bright light suspended from the roof, I look to my left and I see Dr. Zeigler doing her job. "Ah, you're awake. I've just finished preparing the frame for your prosthetic." I look down and see a black metal frame on my arm, identical to the bone structure of an actual arm, "Try to move your arm, I want to make sure the code that Winston developed is working" I try to move my arm, first the shaky metal bone was barely suspended in the air but within a few seconds you were moving your new hand around as if it was natural. "This feels amazing, Doctor! I cannot thank you enough" I couldn't see Angela's face behind the surgical mask she wore. "Your survival was repayment enough, you were lucky y/n, and before you thank me wait to the pain meds wear off." I chuckle a little "Well, that'll be fun" Angela gets up "Wait, you're just getting up and walking away mid-operation, how unprofessional" Angela gazes back at me "I'm grabbing your new arm!" She opens up a black case with the overwatch symbol on it and she walks back over to the bed. "Ok, this will take a few minutes, let me get Winston in here, and he'll help with the assembly" Angela pulls out a comms device, it turns on and she speaks into it "Winston, I'm putting together y/n's prosthetic and I need your assistance." I hear Winston's voice from the device but it wasn't loud enough to make out what he said. A few minutes later the gorilla crawls into the room with the a toolbox on his back "Good morning sleepy head, Let's get your arm put together" A few minutes later my new arm is built and I'm ready to get out of bed, I get helped up by Angela and Winston. "you've shown amazing progress i'm amazed you're even moving. Well, let's get you to rehabilitation"

3 Months later

I have spent the past few months in rehab, Winston spent some time to teach me about my new microchip in my brain as it turns out, I can interface with machinery to get an instant damage report on the device I have interfaced with and a recommended repair solution. I've been told that I'll be staying with Hana at an apartment about 300 metres down the street from the Safehouse, to celebrate my release from the rehabilitation ward in the safehouse me and Hana walked down to the Game store in the City Centre to pick up the new hit video game "Yeller Feller Endeavour 2" We decided to make a day out of it. I waited outside the safehouse for Hana browsing Faceboke, Instawham and Twatter (shoutout to My English Teacher) then all of a sudden I feel a light tapping on my right shoulder, I turn to my left there's nothing there and then I feel a tap on my left shoulder and I turn to the left and again nothing then I do a full 180 and Hana is behind me wearing her winter clothes 

 I waited outside the safehouse for Hana browsing Faceboke, Instawham and Twatter (shoutout to My English Teacher) then all of a sudden I feel a light tapping on my right shoulder, I turn to my left there's nothing there and then I feel a tap on m...

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"Well good to see you bunny" I smile at her, she pouts "aw I can't call you one-armed wonder anymore, on account of your new shiny metal arm" we start walking through the streets meeting the plentiful fans around Belfast we barely get a chance to speak again until we reach a burger place "you wanna grab some food?" she asks "Hell yes, I'd fucking love a burger and Nano-cola, last time I had one was before I joined overwatch." she looks to the ground "I wish I could have done more to help, I-I just stood there while you - you... I-If I have actually done something you'd still have your arm" I notice a tear fall from her face, without thinking I take her hand in my metal one. She looks at me surprised "You think I went through 9 months in a coma plus rehab just to blame you for what happened to me? C'mon Hana, This shit wasn't your fault" I say the last part of that sentence showing off the metallic limb proudly displaying it as a trophy. I wipe the tears from her face "C'mon let's get some food

(yet another timeskip as it is 4 am and I'm tired please fucking help me)

after a few hours of walking around the city we decide to go to pick up the game and go home It was dark now, around 7pm  the dim moonlight was shining down onto the pavement through the broken cloud. We were walking into the outdoor shopping centre where the game store was located. I notice a tiny white spec fall from the sky, then another and another, until there was a full force flurry of snow. We both stood there watching the the tiny flakes descend from the heavens Hana broke my attention from the snow by pulling me into an embrace with the snow falling around us, It seems that a few other people are doing the same thing with their partners. Hana looks up at me with a Sheepish smile "y'know there was something I always wanted to tell you y/n, I was scared that if you died that day I would never be able to tell you"

That is that I love you y/n! and that I'll always will" 

(a/n) I'm not dead bois and I haven't updated this shit since 2016 *dabs ferociously*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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