Chapter 2

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“But who am I?' I ask the peculiar man. “I don't believe I'm magical. I just know I'm not liked by people. You're clearly mistaken.”

“I'm not mistaken.” He says flat out. “I remember that day like it was yesterday. I have a photographic memory too.”

“You're just lying so you won't sound like a fool.” I say very annoyed. “I can sense it.”

He walks around in circles a few times then returns to back in front of me. “Let's get you to our master.”

“To who?” I ask the man, then a purple smoke fills the air and we are transported inside of what looks like a temple.

The inside is nice, you could say. There is a bright red rug on most of the floor and there are beams holding the incredibly high ceiling from crashing down on the visitors. There are also marble statues on little podiums representing strange objects. Before in a very large throne, is a very ancient looking man with a long gray beard and a long flowing gown like a priests. Something makes me want to see him more closely. Without thinking I step closer and closer to the mysterious "Master."

"April... Closer. Go closer it's okay." I think to myself.

"Hi." I say shyly thinking that he's gonna jump out of his seat and bite my head off. "Are you the Master?"

"Who else would I be?! Duh, I'm the Master!!! You're not as bright as you should be by now..."

"Hey!" I yell at the old man. "My teachers consider me to be really smart." I try and calm down, but this guy just has me really TICKED OFF. "Sorry." I say then think about what i should say next.

He rubs his chin and mutters something I can't understand. Suddenly he gets up from his throne and walk in circles around me.

I start to think of him as royalty, then i get down on one knee. He looks at me like i have two heads then sits back down in his throne. "Are you really as smart as you think you are?" He asks me squinting in my direction. "You should be very knowledgeable now with your powers and what you should and shouldn't do in front of me. That is something you should not do. I'm not a King!"

I feel like a big fool, so i get up off of my knee and apologize to the "Master." "I had no idea that I am so special. You said i should be smarter than i am now, but nobody told me about these powers you claim i have."

"Oh April, you can't expect people to tell you everything. There are somethings you need to find out yourself, Like using your powers. first thing in the morning you'll start."

"But, i don't want to." I say speaking the truth. "I don't feel special anymore. I feel....... unknown."

"Of course you're special. Those people disappeared because you got upset. I want you to be able to control your powers so that wont happen again. I'm sure you want that too."

Shock fills my body. How did he know I made people disappear?

I try and choose my words carefully because i don't feel like embarrassing myself right now. "How do you know i made those people disappear??"

He simply taps the side of his head. What's that suppose to mean?

"Um....." I say very unsure. "Do you have a headache? Um.... a brain?? Is it sign language!??!!??" I look at him with a very confused look on my face, then i understand that we're NOT playing a round of charades.

"PHYSIC ABILITIES! Duh. Now I have to rest. Tomorrow is a big day. Off to bed." he snaps.

"I have a bed?" I reply sounding like a 2 year old.

"YES. You have a whole room! Now GO!"

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