~=Chapter Five: Love Interest=~

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I woke up from a good nights sleep. It took me a while to collect my thoughts and think about where I was. I realized I was in Chris's house, and remembered what happened last night. He kissed me on my forehead, I was stunned. "Maybe it was a dream." I thought. It had to have been I'm sure he doesn't like me. As I conclude my thoughts I smell Chris cooking something for breakfast. I then decide to hurry up and take a shower before I get ready. I get my clothes out of my bag and go to hop in the shower.

After I get out of the shower I change my clothes. I put on some light makeup and go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and smell something burning I realize it was the food Chris was cooking. I turn the burner off and move the pan over. The burnt food was supposed to be pancakes. I look on the counter to see if there was anymore pancake batter left. In which there wasn't any left and the ones       previously made were also burnt. I also realize that Chris was nowhere to be seen. I look on the counter again and find a note from Chris: "Hey Alex sorry I had to go watch my little cousins last minute maybe we can hangout next weekend or something. You can leave anytime by the way."

A Devious smile started to form on my face. I then went upstairs and got my stuff. I started to think about a prank I could do on Chris before I leave. I decided that I would take one shoe from each pair of shoes that Chris had. I went to his door to start collecting the shoes I then realized that he wore his house slippers to his aunts house I smiled at the thought of him having to wear house shoes anywhere he goes. After I put the shoes in my bag I decide to take the prank further. I walk into the kitchen and grab a family sized bag of Doritos out of the cabinet. I walk over to the fridge and grab a few cans of pop. I then decide to leave but then realize I need someone to pick me up. I forget the idea of leaving and decide to charge my phone while watching television.

~A Couple Of Episodes Of Whatever Show~

I then got a text from Ally:

(A=Ally, M=Alex/Me)

A: Hey Alex Dustin wants us to hangout with him today you up for it?

M: Hey and yeah id love to but I need a ride home can you pick me up from Chris' house?

A: Cool and I sure can ill be there in about 10 minutes so see ya then!

M: Okay ill be ready see ya!

I then make sure I have all my stuff ready before Alyssa comes to pick me up. I turn off the TV and turn off the lights in the house. I then hear the honk of a car horn outside I hurry out the door to find Alyssa waiting in her car. I lock the door behind me and get in the car and greet her. We then start on the short trip to my house. No matter where Alyssa and I go we always Jam out in the car this time we had a playlist filled with Panic! At The Disco, twenty one pilots, and fall out boy songs ( also many more bands. we are literally emo trash). Our Jam session soon came to an end when she pulled into my driveway. I also noticed Ethan's car wasn't in his driveway but didn't ponder on it too much. I quickly ran into the house put some laundry in the washer that I would do when I got back. I put all of the shoes I collected at Chris' house in my room and put more clothes in my bag just in case I stayed at Ally's house or something.

I then ran out the door to find Alyssa's car still in the driveway but Alyssa wasn't in the car which made me confused yet not confused at the same time because she get distracted easily. I then hear a bunch of noises in my backyard. I go to the gate that you go to to get in the backyard but its locked so no one can get in unless they go over the fence. I go and get a key from a hidden place for emergencies and unlock the gate and go into the back yard. I then see Alyssa running around the pool chasing a stray cat. The cat then runs under my back deck and Alyssa sighs in defeat.

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