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[Agh my bold isn't working. I've been trying to bold this for a minute. XD. WELLLL I UH YEAH. I KINDA SAID I WOULD DO THIS. and felt bad afterwards bc I haven't...until now. I apologize. I haven't ever written or read a Cronkri. Butttt yeah. I'm sorta...sick and tired and I finally updated my other story. So Ill write it now] [Looking back at this after I save it and come back to it, it IS bolded. it wasn't showing up bolded a while back]

Cronus got up, wandering about his hive. Tonight was an incredibly boring night. Nothing was happening. Kankri wasn't to be found. He was sick and tired of being bored, he was going to go find something to do.

In the meantime, Kankri was far room being bored. Well, he wasn't having 'fun' but he was lost in thought. He hadn't left his room since yesterday. He was celibate. He was a preacher. He didn't like other trolls...right?

Cronus groaned, sticking his hands in his pockets. He jogged up the stairs and ran a hand through his hair, and knocked on the door. He waited for a moment before knocking again. "Wvhats taking him so long?..."

After hearing his door be knocked on for the THIRD time, Kankri snapped out of it and walked to the door. "Yes? " He opened the door before checking to see who it was, assuming it was Latula or Kurloz. "Uhh I vwas just checking up on you because I couldn't find you," Cronus rubbed the back of his neck. Kankri's face lit up bright red, just the person he was avoiding.

"Sorry, I apologize, I've been inside due to the fact that I have been thinking about things I do not wish to discuss. In the meantime, do you want to come on? I get it if no-" "Sure, Ill come right in," he flashed a grin and sidesteped the talkative troll, walking in.

Kankri flushed dark red, pulling down his sleeves, closing the door. He followed Cronus into the living room, where he had his feet propped up on the table, his unlit cigaratte hanging out his mouth. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked Cronus.

"Sure, vwhy not kitten, anything's fine, but wvater wvould be great, " he flashed a smile up at Kankri. Kankri blushed dark red, to which Cronus laughed and Kankri walked out, heading to the kitchen for water. He grabbed it and headed back, handing it to Cronus. "Thanks," he took it, sipping it. Kankri sat next to him, nodding.

"Soooo vwant to wvatch a movwie?" [Ahaha is it sad that I just now got the quirk. like the Aquarius sign is a...yeah. and its even more sad bc I am an aquarius. I'm curious as to what you guys are]

"Oh of course,  normally I wouldnt watch them, I keep them for special occasions. but pick whichever you want." He finished surprisingly quickly.  Cronus nodded and got up, picking out a horror film and putting it in. He grinned and sat back down. This would be fun.

Halfway through the movie, Kankri ended up clinging to him. Cronus snickered and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer. Both Kankri and Cronus blushed. Kankri rested his head on Cronus' s chest for a minutes before pulling back and staring at Cronus. "I-" Cronus started. "No listen, if I don't say it now I might never say it. I'm supposedly celibate. And I was. But I no longer am, and I did it for you. I am flushed for you Cronus. and I get it if you don't feel the same way. but at least I got that out." Kankri said, looking at his fingers. Cronus's eyes were wide. "Kankri..." He breathed out before kissing him. "Of course, I'm flushed for you too"

[ahh sorry. its bad but I finished it. I'm so sorry. I have a bazillion stories to update. and I've been meaning to write this one for a while.]

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