at the party

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Ok so we walked in and girls were screaming tbh it annoyed me and some guys were whistling at me and girls were like the three of them ate famous we should try to get there numbers and so me and ethan said ummmmmm wow ots so loud grayson like these girls scream a lot wow and so we went to meet cameron dolan and she was there with her friends and i was with the twins so then we started dancing me and cameron were best friends we got a long so fast and so we were both laughing when grayson said something so funny so these groul of haters came and said i cant believe  emely and the dolan twins and cameron are here you guys suck  and i said ooooh hey gold on brat i dont know who you are and i dont care so hey could you shut tf up and gett your ass somewhere else this is only for famous people not like dumbasses like you go to your group of girly friends i said she try to slao me but i slaped her she was crying and the twins try to hold me so i wont di anything else but that girl was s ok annoying and then the dj played the mashup of panda and juju on that beat i danced it with the twins and i was wearing that blue croo top and skirt with grayson sweat shirt and then rhe girl i had a fight with left the party and im like thats what i thought .  We wers there dancing and enjoying are time and then it was night but there was a song we had to dance  with someone and grayson danced with me he looked at me but ethan twirled me around to him and grayson brought me to his side and holded my waist mean while i had my arms around his neck and so ethan got me back and know i was dancing with ethan and ethan kissed me cheek and said i lobe you em im like i love you tok eth and then me and gray danced and we all had fun so know we were going back to our apartment  it was still day though .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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