Chapter 3: New Student

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The annoying drone of Georgina's alarm clock woke her from her deep slumber. Her hand hit her clock randomly until it hit the off switch. The hand then fell limply as she tried to get herself to get out of her warm sheets. She really didn't feel like going to school today and just wanted to go back to sleep and catch some "Zs".

When she finally gained enough courage, she hopped out of bed and rummaged through her drawer to get he clothes. She was pretty good at waking up early without being a zombie. She was always thankful for that because seeing the other students in their zombie-like stage was never a pretty sight.

Georgina quickly hopped into her apartment shower and bathed. She almost slipped once she had got out of the shower but caught herself just in time. After drying off, she got dressed in a pink, sheer top with an open lace back and black skinny jeans; she also brushed her teeth. To finish off her clothing choice, she slipped on a pair of black knee-high riding boots and her signature necklace. She did her normal makeup job consisting of: foundation, powder, light pink blush, a natural lip color, and winged eyeliner with black mascara. She decided to pull her hair up into a loose bun.

Her eyes caught the clock causing her to bolt out of the room. She was going to be late if she didn't leave now! She shoved her mac into her small back pack and ran out the door, making sure to grab her keys and lock the door. She hopped into her slightly weathered looking orange Bronco and drove to school. The wind tossed a few loose pieces of her hair around because of how the top of her Bronco was off.

 Georgina pulled into the student parking lot and hit her hands against the edge of the steering wheel; she wasn't going to get the seat like she wanted to. She quickly grabbed her bag and locked the bronco by manually locking it as it was too old for an electric lock. Her legs rapidly carried her in the direction of her college.

Georgina scampered into the classroom and scanned the room for any empty seats. She found two that were right beside each other. Her feet led her there and she took a seat, pulling out her laptop, paper, and pencil. She silently worked on her laptop as she waited for class to start. She was so absorbed in her work that she didn't notice some one take a seat beside her until the person spoke.

 "May I borrow a pencil? I seem to have dropped mine," the voice was deep with a slight gravely tone. It sparked a memory in Georgina but it couldn't be possible. She turned her head to the side, eyes widening. Beside her sat a young adult male with black hair and blue eyes. He was rather pale except for a dark bruise and nude color Band-Aid covering his cheek. His voice sounded completely different from when she had first met him, however.

"Yeah...sure," she handed him a mechanical pencil. What was his name? Greg? Spencer? Frank? Where was the teacher when she needed him?

"You pack quite a punch Miss Georgina," he smiled at her. Her eyes narrowed into a glare.

"Don't talk about it," her tongue ran along her split lip as she leaned close to his ear, "or else I will make it even stronger Mr..."

"Spencer," Spencer seemed to be unaffected by her threat even though he knew she would follow through with it. "So, Georgina--"

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by the monotone voice of the teacher. He strolled in and ran a hand through his peppered hair. "Sorry I'm late students. I got caught up in traffic but we will be diving right into the lesson today. Please turn your textbooks to page eighty-nine."

Georgina could barely focus on the lesson and found herself getting lost in thought. Spencer was beside her. Her secret life was now meeting her public life! This couldn't be happening to her. He could expose her, get her arrested, or he could use it for black mail. She would shut him up if she had to, and she would have no regrets for doing so.

Most people would have probably left class quickly to make sure that they didn't have to stop and talk to Spencer, but Georgina was different. She needed to make sure that he understood that he could not talk about the person she really was. It was something she had kept secret for years and it was going to stay that way. Forever.

Her hand grabbed Spencer's hand and led him away from the classroom. He didn't vocally protest nor did he fight her, he just accepted the fact that she wanted to talk to him privately. She ducked into a single-stall bathroom and locked the door.

"I want you to understand, Spencer, that you can never talk about me in the Club. Hell, you're not supposed to talk about it in general. The last time someone talked about it, it wasn't pretty. I heard his face is permanently disfigured now. In fact, I would be very happy if we didn't even associate with each other. It just makes it too hard if we ended up fighting--," Georgina was cut off by a finger being pressed against her lips.

"If I want to talk to you, I can do so. I am my own person. It sounds like to me you are too scared to go against the Club. I didn't expect you to follow rules since you are already in the fight club but it seems like you afraid to go against the rules. And so what if we talk to each other? If we are pitted against each other, we fight but as soon as it is over we can be friends again. It's just on part of your life. You can't let it control you," Spencer smiled, knowing he had egged her on and also made his point. 

The blonde shook her head to herself and sighed, hitting her head against the wall. "I can't say anything to change your mind but that doesn't mean I wont stop trying. I'll go make sure the coast is cleared."

She unlocked the door and stuck her head out, looking around. The coast was clear so she once again grabbed his hand and pulled him out. She released the hand quickly once they got to where it was crowded. Spencer walked along side her and watched the passing people, "Where is your next class?"

"The rest of my classes got canceled so I'm going home to get ready for tonight," her hand clenched by her side as she limbered up her hand. Spencer nodded, his eyes catching the movement.

"I'm coming too," he left no room for arguments and it made Georgina confused. Why did he want to come?

"Um...I guess you can?" Her tone raised at the end of her sentence causing it to sound like a question. Her dark haired companion chuckled at her reaction.

"Let's go then," he let her lead the way out of the university. It seemed that chivalry was not dead with him yet because he made sure to open doors for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2014 ⏰

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