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It was a cold winter night, the sky midnight blue, the plants and trees wet and moist and the sound of wind, blowing swiftly in the air.

He noticed me staring at the Moon. He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered,"Tell me the story of the Sun and the Moon."

"He was the Sun. She was the Moon." I said.

"Who was he?" he wondered..

" He was the center of the universe." I sighed.

" Who was she?" he inquired.

" She was a mystery, kept in the darkness. He died every night to let her breath and stood back to let her shine." she replied.

"Keep going, I wanna know more," he requested.

I paused, remembering how the story ended.

"Why did you stop?" he asked.

"My house is here." I replied.

He said good night and I waved him goodbye as he left. The next day, he didn't show up to work. It was cold last night, he might have caught a cold, I thought to myself.

When I arrived home there was a letter on my desk with my name on it, it said:


Candice Jean

It has been great knowing you but I have to go and I don't know if I will ever return. I've always wanted to fight for our country , America. And today I finally have the chance. The British Army is getting closer and stronger. I cannot tell you much but all I can say is goodbye. I don't want this to affect you and your life. I don't know if i will ever return. But please go on with your life, i don't want to be the reason for your failure. All i want is for you to be happy.

Yours turley,

Nick Armando

My eyes teared up as I read his letter. I was in shock and I didn't know what to say. He was gone. And there was no grantee he would return. My heart was shattered, I never got to tell him how I felt. We had something but it was over before it even started.

I went on with my life as he said I couldn't just sit there and cry. I lived my life independently. I started my own business and it gradually started to grow. Soon I was one of the richest people in the city. I spent every Christmas alone, and every year I'd wish for the same thing, for him to return. 2 years had passed and I received no letter, phone call or word. Nothing, nothing at all.

I couldn't do this anymore, I had to move on. This was my third Christmas without him. This year I wasn't going to celebrate it alone. I went out and met new people and one of them was John Anderson. After all these years, I finally met someone who made me laugh and feel good about myself. But no one could replace Nick.

I went home half happy and half depressed. Happy that I met someone, sad that I couldn't forget Nick. The next day it was Christmas and I held a party to celebrate my companies success! Everyone was there even some of our rivals. After a long time everything was perfect. I was surrounded with the sounds of cheer, joy and delicious food. However, someone was late! I hastily walked to the door. I opened the door with a firm hand.

It was him. He was back. It was Nick. My was heart beating faster than ever, my hands were shaking and shivering and my eyes refused to blink. A tear came out my eye, and no words came out of my mouth. He stood there staring at me. I held him so tight and only then did i notice him holding his stomach, he was in pain. What was it? It was bullet i gasped as i saw it, his blood was rapidly coming out faster and faster!

"We have to get you to a hospital" I yelled. I cried like never before . I was scared, worried and so much more. It was too much for me to handle! I couldn't take.

He held my face and stared deep into my eyes and said "It's too late."

"No it can't, you can't! You can't leave me again!" i cried. I could never lose him again. I would break.

" i just needed to see you before I.... i wanted to say I love ...." he said. He couldn't speak, his eyes slowly started to close and.....he was gone.

All stories have their twists and turns but mine was left incomplete. Just like the Sun and the Moon we could never collide. He was the Sun and the I was the Moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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