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(This is a pointless chapter but I just sorry :/ )

Dan and I walked off the underground and started the 5 minute walk to the house Louise was currently staying in.
It was freezing cold and I could practically feel myself becoming an ice cube.

"Are you worried?" Dan asked.



"Surprisingly no, I'm not worried about him. I'm worried for Alice, her dads one of the biggest nerds I know." I said turning to be greeted by Dans signature dimpled smile.

"True. True." He said whilst speeding up slightly whilst walking across the driveway that belonged to the house outlined in vibrant pink fairy lights.

We walked up the few steps and rang the buzzer, the door flew open and there stood a Louise accompanied by Darcy       -more like Darcy accompanied by Louise-
Within a half a second there were two small arms grasping onto my legs and there stood a small Darcy looking up at me with her sparkling eyes. She really was blessed with Lous looks I thought as I snapped out of my thoughts and hugged Louise as she pulled us inside.

"I'm so happy you guys could come, Zoe's in the lounge with alf if you guys want to wait there whilst I put Darcy to bed."
Louise said before swooping Darcy up and carrying her off.

I was quite eager to see Zoe considering i haven't seen her since playlist 2 years ago.

We walked into the lounge and I was immediately pulled into Zoe's tight grasp.

"I missed you so much,it's been ages." She said and she released me.

I looked towards Dan who just smirked as he shook Alfie's hand before walking off to record a video with Louise leaving Zoe and I to whatever we wished.

We mainly just caught up about a few things gossiped and sooner or later the three returned laughing and in Louise's case practically snorting.

"What's so funny?" Zoe asked with a wide grin while starring at Alfie.

"I'm not sure anymore." Louise said before taking a seat across from Zoe and I.

Dan sat next to me and laced our fingers together and he continued to talk to Louise and about if they would be going to playlist together or not.

I zoned out from the conversation and just stared at our hands until I felt shuffling meaning everyone was getting up and it was my cue to leave.

Dan and I said our goodbyes an walked back into the freezing weather.

I nuzzled my face into dans shoulder taking in his sent and warmth. He was practically a human heater right now.

" Cold?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Lets just get a cab you noob I can't be asked walk."


The rest of the night consisted of scrolling the internet watching various videos and ending with a blissful sleep.

This is actually shit but I'm so fucking pissed and just done with everything that I don't even feel remotely 'okay' to write a decent chapter so um you know happy holidays and all that bullshit

Do you like the story or should I just completely end this shit?

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