Chapter 2: Lavender

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POV . Lavender

The ache in my bones and body began to intensify as I walked down the hall and entered the washroom. I delicately slipped my clothes off of my body and kicked them to the side proceeding to drifted around the chalk white bathtub, a single finger running across the rim. I dipped a toe into the milk like water and smiled as the perfect temperature was set. In a few swift movements, I saturated my body under the water. I could feel my arms float through the liquid breaking the stillness and creating movement.

The ache in my body disintegrated into nothingness allowing me to completely relax. I flexed my hands and feet under the water listening to the pattern it created against the tub forming a quiet atmosphere. My eyes shut and my body sunk further into the tub, but my ears were picking up a sound. They began to twitch once I heard faint footsteps began to get closer. Quickly I sat up and pulled the plug out of the tub standing up and grabbing a fluffy white towel. I stepped out of the bath and wrapped my body the warm fabric.

"Lavender... 'Lights' will be starting soon and you still need to get dressed and eat. Outfit is on your bed and food is ready." Mama had banged on the door once more before her footsteps disappeared and I was left in silence again. I smiled grabbing my clothes off the ground putting them in a rope basket, then walking through the blue drapes that were pinned above the opening on the walls. When I walked into my room I saw a beautiful outfit sprawled across my bed.

A silver blouse was set out on top of the wool covers, and below the blouse was a pair of slit pants. The pastel light pink pants matched the ends of my hair, both sides had slits starting above the ankle and ending below the hip bone. After dressing myself, my feet carried me to the living room where both mama and papa sat on the couch and baby Milanne was in her crib. A smile danced upon my lips as mama walked to the kitchen and pulled out a violet colored cake from the fridge and papa starting clapping his hands and singing.

"Happy Birthday! You have grown so much my beautiful baby. .. Happy 16th birthday... to you!" Papa used the most wonderful vibration to sing the 'Happy Birthday' song to me. Sitting at the table, mama put the cake in front of me hugging my shoulders then resting her chin in my curly hair whispering for me to smile and to remember it was my birthday.

Today is my very own special day for many reasons, but the main one was because it was just my birthday. To my family and the units surprise, I was the only one born on October 11th. I was one of few different people placed on Mars, and I wasn't always that comfortable with that thought. Being different was difficult, but I had my family with me to show all their support and love. I think that's why I came to terms with all my differences.

A slight wave of cold air blew the curtains apart revealing the blue-tinged cloudy sky. A burst of light broke through the clouds coloring the sky a deep orange and red before returning to its original blue color. Before a word could slip past my lips, a sharp pang zipped through my head. I slowly lifted my hands to my ears blinking once then again. A ringing was left behind as the pang abandoned my head and my hands flopped down and landed in my lap.

Peering down at my violet colored cake, my vision doubled as I tried to blink faster to see if that would make a change. Papa finally started shaking me out of what just happened. Worry was pasted clear on his face and I could only imagine the same expression was on my mama's face.

I smiled up at both my guardians to give them the comfort of knowing that I am okay. Confirming my silent 'I'm okay' with a nod, they smiled and unexpectedly mama dipped her finger into my cake and wiped the frosting onto the bridge of my powder pink nose.

I smiled and quickly did the same to mama then turning and wiping the residue of the icing on to papa's cheek. The hut bellowed with laughter and lit up with smiles and giggles from baby Milanne. After the laughing calmed in the hut, mama and papa took a seat surrounding the milk white glass table. They watched as I took my first bite of cake as a 16-year-old.

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