Training for the better

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Lucy PoV
After normal school ended for the day I showed Haru to the exorcist classrooms, now she wasn't becoming an exorcist so she wouldn't have to take the ex wire (no ex wife's here) test, but she still has to meet the old guys. I feel for her.
"Here we are" I opened my arms in grand style my tail swishing behind me, Haru opened her mouth but closed it and nodded, Yukio walked in behind me and tapped me on the shoulder
"You have special training today with Shura and Haru" I nodded and walked down the halls Haru walking besides me.

"Ah Lucy welcome, and you are?" Shura waved to me, and then pointing to Haru
"I'm Haru I'll be helping Lucy train" Shura raised an eyebrow
"But I'm training her, two tigers can't live on the same mountain and two masters cannot train one pupil" this time Haru raised an eyebrow
"Well it's a good thing I'm a dragon"

And that's how my vigorous training began, I'm sure Mephisto is laughing up in his office just as Master Makarov is too, but now my two trainers work me really hard as a competition between the two

Time skip

When the weekend rolled around Rin, Haru and I set out to go meet Rins friends/family at his church apparently he wanted us to meet them before we went out on the weekend
"So Lucy, these guys are super fun, been with me my whole life" Rin started talking about the people back at the church while Haru walked behind us, she earned a few looks from passerby but she said nothing just continued to follow us. It got dark as we walked there Rin said we could probably stay the night as the place was protected from demons.

When got there however I was shocked beyond belief, the building was surrounded by a circle of golden fire, shouts could be heard from the inside. Rin took action straight away pulling out his sword and jumping inside screaming people's names.
"Lucy do you want to go?" Asked Haru
"Yeah but I can't jump over the flames" I looked at Haru and she winked and she picked me up onto her back and jumped over the flames. She set me down
"Now let's go... What ever this is" she started running inside the building it was tattered and had bits of flames scattered around, I ran in pulling out my sword and surrounding my self in flames.

When I got inside I saw people on the floor unconscious and one guy surrounded in gold flames holding Rin by his neck. Haru was frozen in the spot as he pointed Rins sword at her with a sickening smile.
"Rin!" I jumped and tried to swing at him but he simply side stepped and threw him self and Rins sword at Haru faster than the blink of an eye, and it went though her shoulder holding her to the wall. Blood started seeping out as Haru tried to remove the blade. I was mortified what can i do, the man started speaking.
"Now now dragon slayer, just stay here, this is a battle of demons" he head butted Haru and she grunted but didn't go unconscious, she instead kicked him in his knee. He growled as i stood frozen, he threw Rin, his body hit me sending me tumbling. He pulled Rins sword from her shoulder and kicked her in the face. Haru looked over to me
"Lucy get help, I'll hold him off" Haru stood up and dealt blows with him
"Oh really now!" The man kicked Haru in her guard and she glowered

I ran I needed to get help, Haru might not last so I had to go fast.

Harus PoV

I watched as Lucy ran 'good' I stood straight and looked the man dead in the eyes.
"So going to tell me who you are?" I clicked my fingers
"Why yes, my name is Lucifer as in Satans second hand man" he smirked pointed ears golden eyes and grey skin
"I don't like your name." I covered my fist in jade and crouched down
"How about you then dragon slayer?" He stretched his back
"Haru Flintlock, how unpleasant to meet you"

3rd person PoV
He charged first swinging the sword down hard and fast, Haru was quick, summoning her own sword and blocking, the glyph's lighting up she pushed back against him, he had more strength but not by much.

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