Chapter Nine - Both

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What the fuck is wrong with your fucking mind? Levi thought to himself as they sat in the car. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Eren staring out the window, watching how the streetlights pass by, like one of those scenes in blockbuster movies with no content.

The ride was awkward, to say the least. Of course it wouldn't be, if Eren could stop fiddling his fucking fingers. The brat probably doesn't even know what he was doing. Levi reached out his free hand and let it fall on Erens. The boy whipped his head to Levi and now he could see Eren's cheeks turning red.


"Stop playing with your fingers, it's annoying," Levi barked and pulled his hand back, putting it on the wheel. "Unless you want me to crash the car."

"Oh," Eren turned to the window again, "sorry."

Another minute of silence passed. Another two blocks and they would arrive. Another two minutes and Levi was still contemplating whether or not to turn on the radio to ease the tension thickening in his precious car. But out the corner of his eyes, Eren's head turned to him again.

"What are we doing, Levi?" The brat sounds oddly confident.

"What do you mean, what are we doing? We're sitting in my car, going to my house."

"I—I didn't mean," And the confidence is gone. "I meant with us. Are we—what are we? Boss-employee? Colleagues? Friends?"

Levi rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I mean; I'm going to your house. That's a bit personal, don't you think?"

"Jesus Christ, Eren! What do you think what's going to happen at my house? That I'm going to fuck you or something? Tie you up in my secret chamber? This is not Fifty Shades of Grey, Eren. I'm just getting to know you, like a boss should know their employee."

"O—okay?" Eren sputters, "I have never even watched Fifty Shades."

"Do I look like I give a flying fuck?" Levi parked the car and pulled out the key. "We're here."

The sound of slamming doors echoed in the parking lot of his apartment building. He walked over to the elevator, strides as long as he could get them and didn't even look around to see if Eren was following him or not.

There was no need to wait for the elevator as the doors opened the second his finger touched the dirty buttons. Where was his hand sanitizer at? The doors slid closed just as Eren stepped in and Levi got his grip on his bottle of disinfectant gel.

"Floor six," he said as he poured some of the gel on to his hand and started rubbing them together. What a hassle. He should take the stairs next time.

"This feels a lot like Fifty Shades," Eren muttered next to him, "You know, with the elevator kiss and all."

"You know an awful lot about it for someone who has never watched the movie."

Eren shrugged, "I read the books."

The door opened with a ding.

"So bondage huh?" Levi stepped out, "And whips too. Interesting."

"No—NO! That's not—I mean—I just—"

"You coming in or what?" Levi held the door open, turning away to hide his smile. "Today, brat."

The brat looked around his apartment, his mouth slightly open like he's in awe—wait is he? He blinked with those bright eyes of his and looked Levi straight into his eyes.

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