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The rumors started when Mina came back to school.

At first, the whispers mostly consisted of Doori, and it turns out their her best friends weren't such great friends. They totally exposed Doori. Everything from dating Taehyung to get closer to Mina, to having a crush on Mina, to her mental illness, to the reason why she brought a gun to school.

For one, happy week, Mina's peers weren't being completely nasty to her. They realized that the bad guy all along was Doori. She got several anonymous letters of apology stuffed in her locker, and a lot of people were being nice to her. It only took everyone being decent human beings for her to realize that this was how she was supposed to be treated.

For that one week, Jimin and Mina were a fully fledged gross couple. Their PDA wasn't too extreme, but there was a lot of hand holding and pecks on the cheeks. It didn't take a genius to see that they were a couple, even if they weren't official.

Until they were.

Just like their public relationship, the way Jimin asked Mina out was extremely cheesy, and very reminiscent of their relationship.

It happened at a party, of all places. Jimin was sitting in the living room with Yoongi as Mina was getting some drinks for them. She carried a couple of tequila shots in to share with Jimin.

"Are you giving me a shot?" He asked, not really meaning it to have a double meaning.

Mina chuckles, her cheeks flushed red from the alcohol already in her system. Jimin thought she was adorable. "I gave you a shot a long time ago."

They were both holding up a shot glass, then Jimin said, "If you take this shot and you can't keep a poker face, I'm forcing you to be my girlfriend."

"It won't take much to force me-"

"I'm forcing you," Jimin said, getting nose to nose with the girl in front of him. Meanwhile, Yoongi was awkward next to his best friend.

Mina glanced down at Jimin's plump lips as her stomach did flips, "Well, okay."

They linked arms and downed the shot. Mina didn't even hold back the shiver that racked her body. She didn't need a chaser after the shot, because everything left her mind was Jimin's lips found her own. A nice refresher after a bitter shot.

They were officially boyfriend girlfriend. Mina was floating everywhere she went, her head in the clouds. Doori was out of sight and out of mind, she finally had the perfect boyfriend, her best friend was back. She felt like she could fly.

But she couldn't. So she crashed.

Even if Doori was who knows where, Mina was still the main focus for rumors. She was used to them, but it was kind of a shock after the honeymoon period of no rumors. It especially got under her skin when she heard the new name that was paired with her.


Poor Jimin. Sweet, adorable Jimin that wouldn't spite anybody, now had rumors swirling around his name. And they were circulating the school fast. They were pertaining to what he did before he came to Mina's school. Since it was a rumor, the details were sketchy, but she got the premise.

Supposedly, Jimin was in a gang. Not like gun wielding gang banger, type of gang, but the type of gang that picked fights with people. The type of people that you didn't want to cross paths with, because they'd mess you up bad enough that you'd have to go to therapy.

Jimin, according to the whole student body, was one of those people.

Understandably, Mina didn't believe any of it. Her sweet, sweet Jimin could never be involved with that type of crowd. Of course, she didn't really have a good streak either, but she was never in a gang. And deep down inside of her, she knew that Jimin would never get caught up in that life either.

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