Chapter 2- I Just

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Emma stuttered as she stepped forward, "W-what do you m-mean?" She hadn't been this nervous since she was in the 7th grade spelling bee, where she was so nervous she misspelled "ritziness", even though she had gone over the word 50 times in her head. But now she stood, that same tight feeling spreading throughout her abdomen as she was being confronted by the one worker.

Emma quickly glanced to Ezra who's eyes had gone wide, his mouth gaped open and he looked almost frozen in shock. If Emma hadn't of heard him breathing, she probably though he would have been about to fall flat in the floor. His brown hair was untidy on top of his head, and his thin face looked elongated with his face stuck in that shocked expression he was wearing. Emma took a minute and looked to the man standing behind the register. He gave a creepy smile. For such a sweet smelling place, he gave it a very foul taste.

"Emma Nicole Rogers, the truest and purest of heart." The man started, it was eerily as though he had been practicing for her arrival. Slowly, after taking a deep breath he continued. "You have been requested to start at Hopfeld's Ward."

Emma's heart felt like it was about to stop. She had heard about that place, and it was nothing good. She gave him a confused face, and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The man who had dark hair, and a thick beard spoke instead.

"It's quite alright to frightened, sweetheart. I didn't want to have to come tell you. My name is Garner Holden. You see, I didn't have a choice-" he stopped abruptly. Stared directly at the both of them. "Sorry, that's a story for another time." Quickly, he looked down and gulped. He took a pair of glasses off of the counter and put them on.

"So, I was accepted... into Hopfeld's?" She gulped. She didn't want to go... at all. Her crystal blues looked down to the ground and she looked back at Ezra who gave her a worried kind of 'you'll be fine' look. The man, Garner, looked up he nodded, quickly taking off his glasses, he grabbed a small white board, that normally would have the daily special. He took a thick red marker and wrote quickly, 'Follow me, I'll explain' before erasing it. Quickly he pushed the glasses to the floor and crushed them.

"Now." Garner said, worry painted across his face. Emma grabbed Ezra's hand and followed him out the side door that led them to an empty alleyway.

The alley was wet and smelled of urine and trash. Garner looked nearly as disgusted as Ezra. Emma simply looked at Garner, waiting for him to speak.

"They want you. They see something in you that they want to abuse. You need to avoid them at all costs. And now that I've given away what they want to do with you, I have to relocate. Here's my phone number." Garner wrote his number on a gum wrapper that he had pulled from his pocket. "Please keep in touch, I can try to keep them away from you. I was forced in at your age. They killed my dads in front of me."

Emma looked at Ezra. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Ezra said and grabbed Garner's shoulder. Garner looked up and stared for a moment.

"We need to go." He said and stood up, bolting from the alleyway. Emma looked to Ezra, Ezra's eyes matched hers.

"Lets go." Ezra pulled Emma up and followed after Garner. By the time they had gotten out, Garner was nowhere in sight. As soon as they didn't see him they headed toward Emma's home.


"So, that was weird." Emma said strolling into her 3-bedroom home. Still holding Ezra's hand. He awkwardly smiled.

"Yeah, that was rather strange. I mean it's not everyday you watch someone become a convict." He mumbled in his Scottish accent.

"True." Emma said and fixed her hair. She looked out the bay window that sat in the front of her house. "I don't want to go." Emma said watching the cars pass by. Emma's phone alarm went off and started singing.

I just wanna stay in the sun where I find
I know it's hard sometimes
Pieces of peace in the sun's peace of mind
I know it's hard sometimes
Yeah, I think about the end just way too much
But it's fun to fantasize
All my enemies who-

It was cut off by Emma who stopped the alarm, and continued staring out that bay window.

It's been too long! I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing so sorry for boring/awful writing.

Anyway, please comment your favorite song at the moment for me too add to my playlist. :) please and thank you. I'll accept multiple responses.

The girl who just wants to write, write, write,
-you know who I am

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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