what's this feeling?

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Rose pov- so the person who wants him is Connie so let's knock his pretty face into the bat..wait did I say pretty face

Rose: From someone named*swallows* Connie or Mack one of those two.

Beck: And why should I come with you.

Rose: I can make you.


                At school
Connie walks in as everyone states in shock then start laughing  but as soon as she glares they stop.

She was wearing a Gothic clothes with a nose piercing.

Beck: Nope*he starts to pull her in a supply  closet * Change.

Connie:*rolls eyes and sighs* fine whatever.

She changed into a pink shirt with white stripes and a black leather skirt with white flats.

When she walked out everyone stared at her, but she  glared at them making the look away except for one. 

Luke:wow guys look at Connie.

Emma: yeah I know she looks...good.

Connie then overhears them and walks over.They all look scared except for Luke since she liked him.

Connie: Hey I overheard you guys and thanks,but my brother made me change.

Luke mumbles something thinking no one heard him but Connie did.

Connie: *smirks* what was that Luke?

Luke: um...I said...

What should Luke say,Should Connie and Mack become friends soon. COMMENT. =)

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